How To Change Your Life By Waking Up Early


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Are you waking up each morning filled with purpose, passion, and a zest for life?

Chances are if you're like the majority of people, that answer is a resounding no.

Most of us drag ourselves out of bed in the mornings without much enthusiasm or direction for the day ahead.

We often go through the motions without focusing much intention on how we would like our days to play out.

After hitting the snooze a few times, we reluctantly crawl out of bed with barely enough time to get ourselves ready and out the door.

Or if you are a stay at home parent like me, you probably leave little time for yourself before the kids wake up and vie for your attention.

The result is usually a day that feels rushed, full of stress and anxiety, and leaves us reaching for something that will allow us to escape at the end of the day.

Typically we use coping mechanisms such as alcohol, mindless scrolling on social media, or television as a way to numb and escape.

Yet despite this lackluster performance, we continue to repeat the same pattern day after day.

Living out our precious days on autopilot.

Only to wake up one day and realize we are twenty-five pounds overweight, unfulfilled, and slightly depressed.

So why do so many of us fall into this trap?

Why do we go from having goals, dreams, and ambitions to settling for mediocrity?

My assumption is we become desensitized to our pain and unhappiness.

We inevitably compare our lives to our friends’ and family's lives and assume everything is going just fine.

Who are we to ask for more?

We get comfortable, complacent, and settle for a life that allows us to get by on cruise control.

Never forcing us out of our comfort zone where we can test our true potential.

I found myself in this very situation.

Then I heard a quote one day that shifted my perspective: if you’re not growing, you’re dying-there is no in between.

That quote hit me because I realized just how common it is for most people to stop growing after a certain point in their lives .

In other words, we stop pushing ourselves mentally and physically.

I knew there had to be a better way.

So I shifted from being a perpetual night owl to an early riser and the benefits were remarkable.

It is well to be up before daybreak, for such habits contribute to health, wealth, and wisdom.
— Aristotle

Why is waking up early so important?


What if I told you that living a life of purpose and meaning was more accessible than you might think?

Would you believe me if I told you it all starts with developing a solid morning routine?

I want you to keep in mind that creating a life you love starts with dedicating the time to becoming the best version of yourself.

It's about cultivating inner peace, getting to know yourself better, and developing your skills and talents.

Changing the way you wake up in the morning will transform every area of your life.

It allows you to carve out the time your soul needs to thrive.

Most people are not thriving they are merely surviving.

What if I hate mornings?

Waking up earlier requires commitment and consistency. It will feel uncomfortable in the beginning.

It will be a challenge to get used to, but the results will be incredible.

Let's look at seven reasons why you should wake up earlier and how it will radically change your life.

Sense of Accomplishment

The mere fact that you overcame a huge hurdle first thing in the morning by getting out of bed early will give you an enormous sense of accomplishment.

Within the first few minutes of waking up early, I already feel as if I won the day because I decided at that moment when the alarm went off to make my health and well-being a priority.

That split-second decision to get out of bed or drift back to sleep makes a significant imprint on the rest of our day.

improve health & fitness

The number one complaint most people have when it comes to maintaining their health and fitness regimen is they feel they don't have enough time to exercise.

We all have the same 24 hours in the day.

The question is, are you optimizing those hours or not?

Rising early allows you to make time for your workout before the day even starts; whether it be at home or the gym.

Waking up earlier allows us that time that we all need to follow through on our fitness goals.



Reduced stress and anxiety

There are so many reasons why waking up early reduces stress and anxiety.

Just being awake during the blissful hours while the world is still sleeping is an incredible feeling.

Watching the sunrise, taking a walk in nature, and/or meditating for 10-15 minutes are all incredibly powerful ways to reduce stress.

Waking up earlier allows us to fit them all into our day.

Gratitude and appreciation for life

Creating a practice of writing a gratitude list and journaling enables us to experience life from a different vantage point.

As we take the time to slow down in the early mornings, we learn to appreciate life and its beauty.

Writing a gratitude list each morning primes the brain to move into the rest of our day focusing on the positive aspects of life rather than the negative.

Increases productivity

A solid morning routine allows us to accomplish more in our days than we ever thought possible.

Starting off on the right foot is a recipe for success and productivity.

We move through the rest of our day with more focus and clarity and achieve so much more.

Unlocks creativity and purpose

As we begin our days with grace and precision through establishing a morning routine, beautiful and magical things start to occur.

We find that we are more connected to our body, mind, and soul and thus can tap into our creativity, passions, and purpose effortlessly.

The more time we make for solitude, the more our creativity can flourish.

A morning routine enables us to foster stillness and nurture our creative energy.

Through cultivating our imaginative faculties, our purpose and passions take shape.

Alignment and Vision

Perhaps you already have a vision for your future, or maybe you haven't put much thought into it.

I firmly believe you must have both a vision for your life and measurable goals to get you there.

This is not about having everything figured out ahead of time before you embark on your journey.

It is merely about having a road map for the future.

It's about aligning with the ideal version of yourself so that you can move into alignment and manifest your dream life.

As Hal Elrod says in his book Miracle Morning, "Our outer world will always be a reflection of our inner world. Our level of success is always going to parallel our level of personal development. Until we dedicate time each day to developing ourselves into the person we need to be to create the life we want, success is always going to be a struggle to attain."     


If there is one habit that completely changed my life, it is the habit of waking up early. Establishing a morning routine is undoubtedly one of the best things we can do to improve our health, happiness, and success.

Successful people understand the value of a solid morning routine. There is no better time than the early morning hours to practice getting in touch with your inner voice and designing a life you love.

CLICK HERE for more tips on how to wake up earlier and become a morning person once and for all. 

Rise + Align | Awaken Your True Self

Tired of living a life that doesn’t have you jumping out of bed every morning filled with passion and purpose? Ready to live with less stress and more ease?

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This 40 page Ebook outlines how I went from being unfulfilled and uninspired to uncovering my passion and purpose.

It is my heartfelt wish that my experiences will be a guiding light for you to find direction and alignment in your own life.

If you’re ready to achieve your goals, feel inspired, and move towards your DREAM life then you will want to read this!

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