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Have you ever set out to reach a fitness goal only to find yourself falling off the wagon unsuccessfully?

A reason for your lack of follow through might be as simple as your failure to plan ahead. 

You’ve most likely heard the expression, “if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.”

Here are a few tools that will set you up for success the next time you set out to reach your fitness goals.

All too often we fail to strategically plan for our fitness goals. Failing to plan is like heading out on a road trip without a GPS.

Without proper direction, how are you going to know where you’re headed?

By implementing these strategies, you are setting yourself up for success. Let’s get started on achieving your fitness goals.

Your future self will thank you!



Taking your first photo before you embark on your fitness journey is often overlooked but can be very useful. This photo will be the foundation of your journey.

You will use it as motivation on days when you don’t feel like working out. This photo will also allow you to look back on your progress.

It will show you all the work you have been putting in and if you are not quite seeing results, it will remind you to go back to the drawing board and identify where you need to make improvements in your routine or your diet.

Don’t forget this important step that so many of us often discount and overlook.  




Whether you have a secret stash of your favorite candy or ice cream it’s time to get that out of the house and avoid buying these types of foods for at least a month until your will power is stronger than your cravings.

If you have kids or your spouse hasn’t quite reached your level of commitment, and you still have tempting foods in the house, do the next best thing by storing them in a cupboard that’s out of plain sight.

Also you will want to have some foods that you can view as a treat, but are a healthy alternative. If you love ice cream, consider buying a high protein/low calorie version.

Or if you love chocolate, buy dark chocolate instead. This will stave off the cravings and provide you with an alternative high in valuable nutrients.

A great way to track your calorie intake is to use an app like My Fitness Pal.

You can easily calculate your calorie intake with this app. It allows you to search for foods and even scan bar codes directly. Its a huge help!   



A key component in shifting your habits is starting with small incremental changes that compound over time. Your main goal might be to lose 15-20lbs, but in order to get there you need to start out small.

This will look different for everyone. Let’s say you are completely new to working out. In this case, you will want to pick 1-2 days a week that you will devote to reaching your health and fitness goals.

Get out a planner/calendar and write down the time you are going to workout, which days of the week and the duration of the workout. Let’s say you want to start with 30 minutes on Mondays and Wednesday mornings.

This workout could be walking on the treadmill for 30 minutes, doing a series of jumping jacks, pushups, sit-ups, planks, etc. Or maybe you found a workout on Youtube that suits your needs.

Whatever it is, schedule it in your calendar and do not miss it!

Each time you complete the workout put a check in your planner, acknowledging your commitment and follow through.

Each check mark is one step closer to building the confidence and commitment you are striving for.  



A big part of mentally preparing yourself for accomplishing your fitness goals is to prep the night before. I like to put out my entire workout outfit on my dresser so I am ready to go first thing in the morning.

The less hurdles in your way, the more likely you are to stick with your fitness plan. I also set up my water bottle, supplements, and a banana on the kitchen counter the night before.

As I prepare for my morning workout, I am sending signals to my brain that regardless if I feel like waking up at 430am, I have set the plan in motion and I am ready to go.

Another piece is adding the workouts to your calendar for the week ahead. Leaving little to chance, you have prepared and scheduled in the workouts.



A fantastic purchase I made several months into my fitness transformation was a Body Composition Scale from Amazon. This scale has an app that you can download on your phone and it will tell you your weight, body fat, muscle mass, BMI, etc.

It has been a game-changer for me in understanding my body.

This information is fundamental in understanding your starting point. You can then weigh yourself once a week and track your progress.

Perhaps you gained a pound or two, well when using the scale, you will be able to determine if you gained muscle or body fat. I would also suggest measuring your waist at the beginning and then once a week.

Weekly progress pictures along with the body composition scale, and waist measurements will provide the data you need to accurately track your progress.

Keep in mind reaching your fitness goals is a process.

Whether your goal is to lose weight, build muscle or both you have to be patient in your pursuit.

Consistency and discipline is how you will get there. There is NO quick fix or one size fits all approach.

If you know you would benefit from having guidance and accountability, I highly recommend working with a reputable fitness coach or trainer.

There is no better investment than an investment in your health and fitness.

I would love to engage with you!

Share your fitness goals and let me know if these tips have been useful below! You can also click the social media icons to follow me there for more inspiration.

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