7 Ways To Honor Your True Self


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Honoring our True Selves is about living a life congruent with our highest values.

It's about knowing what is most important to us and expressing our wants and needs.

This may sound simple but authenticity and alignment can be difficult for many reasons.

Oftentimes we minimize our inner voice and lose touch with our higher consciousness.

We adopt the beliefs and behaviors of others and disconnect from the deepest part of ourselves.

Ultimately we end up living our lives on autopilot with little passion or purpose.

This lack of a deep relationship with ourselves happens for many reasons, but there are ways we can become more conscious of our tendency to be swept away by outside forces.

Let's look at how we can align with our values, honor our True Selves, and become the person we aspire to be.

Stop worrying about what others think of you

First and foremost, you have to remind yourself that what others think of you is none of your business.

So often, we spend our lives consumed by other people's perceptions of us. We base so many of our decisions around what others will think.

Why do we do this?

Because when we are not deeply connected to our True Selves, we look to others to validate our worthiness.

We presume if we can gain acceptance from family, friends, and peers we are on the right track.

We spend so much of our precious time attempting to prove our worthiness rather than getting to know ourselves on a deeper level.

We look outside of ourselves for answers rather than searching within.

The more we practice mindfulness and stillness, the easier it becomes to connect with our inner voice.

Our soul has the answers, but if we are not listening carefully, we will never hear them.

There will always be people in our lives who will not understand or agree with us, but it is not our job to prove anything to anyone.

Set clear and defined goals


Without clearly defined goals in life, we inevitably move through our days aimlessly and without purpose or focus.

Our intentions serve as a lighthouse on our road to success.

Without clear direction, we have no way of knowing whether or not we have even arrived at our destination.

When we lack short and long term goals, we are quickly swept away by meaningless activities that derail our success.

Studies show the simple act of writing out our goals, and reviewing them daily, makes us 42% more likely to achieve them.

Take the time to really think about your future and what you want your life to look like in the next five to ten years.

Write down all of your goals, regardless of how out of reach they seem right now.

This is one of the simplest, yet incredibly powerful, ways to achieve your goals and dreams.


Most men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them.
— Henry David Thoreau

Develop positive habits


We all have habits and routines.

The question is whether or not those habits are positive or negative.

Our daily habits determine our health, happiness, and success in life.

If our days are primarily filled with poor habits, our lives will reflect our poor choices.

However, if we can establish more positive habits over time, our lives will mirror our positive decisions.

The more we practice positive routines, the closer we get to honoring our True Selves and becoming the highest version of ourselves.


Forgive yourself


Let's face it; no one is perfect.

We’ve all made mistakes and decisions that we would probably take back if we could.

We must learn to forgive ourselves for the mistakes we have made in the past.

Holding onto pain and regret is like dragging a sack full of bricks behind us as we move through life.

It is only weighing us down and depleting our energy.

A great exercise to move past your self imposed guilt is to write a forgiveness letter to yourself.

Forgive yourself for all of the mistakes you have made.

We cannot change the past. It has shaped us somehow, and the sooner we can find the lessons and move on, the better off we will be.


Stop focusing on negativity


When we spend time focusing on things that are not serving us, it is detrimental to our mental health.

There will always be negativity in the world around us, but we get to choose where we focus our time and energy.

The more we can redirect our focus on all the positive aspects of our lives, the better off we will be. This is why writing a gratitude list every morning is so important.

It is easy to get swept away by our thoughts and emotions.

However, the more we can bring our attention to the positive, the happier we will be.

We have to remind ourselves that happiness is a choice.

Every moment of the day, we can either choose to be happy or to be sad.

It may seem as if our circumstances determine how we feel, but it is our job to control our emotions.

The more we can bring awareness to our thoughts, the easier it gets to manage them.

Learn to say no


A big problem for many people is they have a hard time saying no to others.

When we learn to honor our True Self, we realize saying no to someone else means saying yes to ourselves.

Often we agree to certain things despite wanting to say no out of a feeling of obligation.

We spend so much time and energy trying to prove ourselves.

Whereas when we begin tuning into our inner voice, we learn the importance of honoring what we genuinely want and need.

As Louise Hay says, saying no to others when we need to, allows us to say yes to ourselves.

On the other hand, saying yes too often is saying no to ourselves.

This lack of self-care clouds our judgment and slowly depletes our energy.

Practice reframing your guilt around saying no. Understand that saying no to others is a way of honoring your wants and needs.

You do not have to prove your worthiness by trying to be everything to everyone.

Follow your heart and minimize activities that require you to go against your wants and needs.

Speak Your Truth


The truth does hurt sometimes, but it’s important to practice letting others know how you really feel.

We should be able to say what we mean and mean what we say.

In an amazing book called The Four Agreements, one of the four principles is to always be impeccable with your word.

This can be very difficult for most of us.

Oftentimes we choose to sugar coat things or avoid situations altogether rather than express how we truly feel.

However, the more we practice speaking up and sharing our truth the more authentic we become.

The more time we spend in solitude and practice stillness, the easier it gets to honor our True Selves.

If we are going through life fulfilling someone else's agenda, we will feel empty and disconnected.

Cultivating stillness and self-care throughout the day will allow us to connect more deeply and honor our True Selves.

How will you practice honoring your True Self more often? Share in the comments!