3 Ways to Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind and Change Your Mindset


If you want to change any area of your life, you must first change your mindset to align with that new version of yourself.

It's easy to assume we control our actions and behaviors, but we often fail to consider the enormous impact the subconscious mind has over our habits and decisions. 

Are you aware that the total mind is comprised of only 5 percent conscious mind while the other 95 percent is the subconscious? 

Our conscious mind is what we call the rational mind. It involves logic, will power, and critical thinking.

In contrast, the subconscious mind influences our thoughts and actions through our beliefs, values, and imagination.

The subconscious mind absorbs and stores all the data from our experiences throughout our lives.

Essentially, it's a program that runs in the background of the mind to ensure we respond predictably to circumstances and events. 

The subconscious mind works day and night to influence our actions to fit a specific pattern consistent with our emotionalized thoughts, hopes, and desires.

The big problem is that the vast majority of the data we have downloaded over the years has been dis-empowering and self-sabotaging beliefs.

As we begin to contemplate how much the subconscious influences the mind, we can understand its incredible power over us—both positively and negatively.

Becoming aware of the workings of the mind allows us to work deliberately at unwiring old belief systems and rewiring new thought patterns that will serve us, not derail us. 

Become the observer of your thoughts

Awareness is the first step at identifying your habitual thoughts and beliefs and evaluating their impact. Are your thoughts predominantly supporting or sabotaging your success?

Each time you bring conscious awareness to the program running in your mind, you disrupt the pattern. When we consistently disrupt our default beliefs, the brain's synapses of that belief begin to break down.

When the synapses are no longer wired together, they stop firing together, allowing change to occur. Interrupting the pattern through conscious awareness creates space for new synapses to form. 

The subconscious mind works to maintain homeostasis. As a result, it pulls you towards the known rather than the unknown by keeping you thinking and acting in a manner consistent with what you have always done.

This gravitational pull from the subconscious makes change very difficult for most people. Change invokes fear and discomfort, and the subconscious wants to avoid these emotional responses at all costs. 

The more awareness you have around your thoughts and default patterns, the easier it becomes to shift your mindset in the direction of what you want rather than focusing on what you fear.


Get out of your comfort zone

Ultimately, the only way to break the ties to the familiar past and invoke the possibility of the future you wish to create is to bypass the subconscious and push past your comfort zone regularly.

The subconscious mind memorizes all your comfort zones and works overtime to keep you in them. You will feel your subconscious pulling you back toward your comfort zone each time you try something new.

Even thinking about doing something different from what you're accustomed to will invoke feelings of anxiety and fear.

Stretching beyond your perceived limitations trains the subconscious to perceive change as less threatening. Each time you push past your fear, you gain more confidence in yourself and your capabilities.

This confidence begins to install new software into the operating system convincing your subconscious mind over time that challenges aren't a bad thing. 

Reprogram with consistency

Now that you've become hyper-aware of the thoughts that don't serve you, it's time to reprogram the mind through repetition and reinforcement. Imagine your mind is like a computer. 

To make it do exactly what you want, you must get inside the operating system and program the subconscious to act in accordance with what you desire for your life. 

You must feed the mind powerful and descriptive words and affirmations. 

Make a list of your goals and desires and read them daily. Begin to feel what it would be like to be living in that reality.  

You are no longer going to perpetuate the negativity in your life by reaffirming unpleasant thoughts. Instead, you are going to focus on the positive and the ideal outcomes of the future. 

The best way to predict the future is to create it through consistent and deliberate programming of the mind. Using your imaginationbegin to visualize the life you want and start to feel the feelings associated with that ideal life. 

Now, hold onto those feelings for as long as possible throughout your day. As you train your subconscious to feel joy and excitement, you will begin reprogramming the subconscious to attract these events into your life. 

Your subconscious mind is always working behind the scenes. The question is whether or not you have taken the reigns to feed it what you want it to believe, or you will continue to allow the harmful programming from others to dictate your life and future. 

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