How To Raise Your Vibration & Attract Your Desires


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Everything in this world is made up of energy. We are always emitting an energetic frequency, whether we acknowledge or not.

Becoming acquainted with this realm of energy and accepting its effect on our body, mind, and spirit allows us to master our thoughts, actions, and emotions.

Our thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors profoundly impact our energy and vibration.

As we spend time in negative emotions such as fear, guilt, shame, apathy, and anger, we operate at very low frequencies. 

When we learn to heal and raise our awareness of these low vibrational emotions, we gradually move up the ladder into much higher energetic levels.

The highest levels of vibration are those who attain enlightenment, pure joy, and true compassion for humanity. 

As we move up the ladder of frequency, fewer and fewer people are performing at the highest levels.

Below these supreme levels, that few people ever reach, are unconditional love, acceptance, kindness, appreciation, creativity, beauty, abundance, etc.

Moving down the ladder, we encounter the low vibrations of the mass population, such as fear, guilt, shame, anger, hatred, and judgment.

Upwards of 90% of the population is operating at low vibrational frequencies.

Everything is touching everything


We are connected to every other thing in the world through an energetic field. Thus, when we raise our vibration, we uplift those around us as a result.

As we raise our vibrational frequency, we sync up with the energy of Source.

This connection with Source Energy is how we match the vibration of all that we desire and begin manifesting all that we want. 

What is so fascinating about the power of vibrational frequency is that as we move up the ladder, we have a profound effect on the world at large, not only ourselves. 

As Wayne Dyer writes in his book The Power Of Intention, "By raising your own frequency only slightly to a place where you regularly practice kindness, love, and receptivity […] you counterbalance 90,000 people somewhere on this planet who are living in the low-energy levels of shame, anger, hatred, guilt, despair, depression, and so on."

As we become aware of the impact we have on ourselves and others, we can consciously choose to raise our own energy level to a place where we are in harmony with our positive intentions. 

The deeper the self-realization of a man, the more he influences the whole universe by his subtle spiritual vibrations, and the less he himself is affected by the phenomenal flux.
— Paramhansa Yogananda

The Law of Attraction


The Law of Attraction is always working to our advantage or disadvantage, depending on our thoughts, subconscious beliefs, and actions.

If we send out love and compassion, we will attract the same.

When we send out judgment, negativity, and other negative emotions, we invite it back into our lives.   

So often, we get caught up in what is going on around us, and we allow the low vibration of others to impact us negatively.

As we learn to control our thoughts and emotions, we realize nothing in the external world can affect us when we control our own minds.

We are not victims of circumstance. We are merely victims of our impulsive thoughts and emotions. That is until we develop control over them.

As we spend more time in the high vibrational levels of gratitude, love, joy, kindness, and compassion, we raise our frequency.

We become a guiding light for those around us and immensely impact the world by radiating at such a high vibration.



What is alignment?


As we raise our vibration, we step into a place of alignment. We align with universal forces and can trust that our desires will be made manifest.

We begin to trust more in the guidance we receive and know in our hearts that things are always working out for us.

It becomes a beautiful dance between surrender and inspired action. In this state of alignment, there is no room for uninspired effort.

If you feel like you have to try really hard and push to make things happen, you have slipped out of alignment.

Remember, alignment is a daily practice. It is not something we attain once and maintain forever.

We cultivate it through a regular practice of choosing better feeling thoughts and positive emotions.

It is the ability to reel in our negative emotions before they gain momentum.

The better equipped we become at choosing to feel good, the higher our vibration rises despite what is going on around us.

Living in a low vibration inhibits us from achieving our goals and dreams. We cannot get there from there.

We must focus on raising our vibration first, and inspired action will come as a result. It is not the other way around.

Many of us think that if we can just achieve X, Y, and Z, we will be happy, but that is merely a fallacy.

If we practice raising our vibration and tuning into our inner being, attracting what we desire will naturally occur.


Jon Kabat-Zinn Meditation series 123

Care for your body


How we treat our bodies, the foods we eat, and physical movement or lack thereof, all impact our energetic alignment. We must think of our bodies in terms of a vessel.

The foods we eat profoundly impact our energy and productivity levels.

Consuming nutritious foods, getting proper sleep, exercising regularly, and practicing self-care will provide a foundation for raising our vibration.

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How do others impact our energy?

Perhaps you are familiar with the expression you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.

Consider this when you decide who you allow into your life.

Often we allow energy vampires to suck the life out of us.

Guard your time and energy very carefully.

Be mindful of who you follow on social media and how they are impacting your mindset.  

Develop a spiritual practice


Nothing has had a more significant impact on my personal and spiritual development as developing a morning routine.

Carving out time during the morning to practice meditation, gratitude, affirmations, exercise, etc. makes a tremendous difference in our alignment.

On top of developing a morning routine, I have found several other practices to be extremely helpful in raising my vibration. You can read about them HERE.

Understand that becoming a vibrational match to all our dreams and desires requires spiritual work. Manifestation is not about sitting on the couch and waiting for everything to come to us.

It's about raising our vibration through mindful practices that keep us in alignment. When we are in alignment our vibration rises and we become a magnet for all that we desire.

Rise + Align | Awaken Your True Self

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