How To Overcome Resistance And Reach Your Dreams


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What do you believe is holding you back from your ideal life?

Would you be surprised if I said resistance is the only thing standing between you and everything you desire to accomplish? 

Whatever it is you would like to achieve, whether it be a better body, more money, or a fulfilling career, resistance is the one thing that is holding you back. 

How does resistance show up in our daily lives? 


Resistance shows up in the form of distractions, excuses, justifications, and rationalizations.

It uses every trick in the book to convince you that you're not ready to take that next step.

It creates stories in your mind that say, you aren't worthy of more, no one in your family has money, so why should you? Starting a business is too much work. Money is the root of all evil

It uses shame, guilt, fear, and apathy to keep you right where you are—preventing you from stepping out into the unknown and getting uncomfortable. 

Ironically, we feel the most resistance towards the things our soul needs the most. It's typically a pull towards a higher calling or purpose that stirs the most fear and resistance within us. 

We resist going after our dreams because there is so much uncertainty.

Have you ever joined a gym, committed to a meditation practice, started a diet, dreamt of a more fulfilling career, imagined yourself relaxing on a beach in Tahiti only to see your motivation, excitement, and dreams fizzle out? 

Then you've experienced resistance. 

Resistance is incredibly sneaky. More often than not, you won't be able to see it for what it is.

It’s a master at convincing you that you are not ready or don't have what it takes to be all the things you aspire to be—blinded by the illusion that your excuses are valid.

Resistance will indulge you and praise your half-ass efforts. It will convince you there's always tomorrow, and you don't need to be wealthy, fit, or more accomplished.

Because attempting to become the person you aspire to be is just too much work. 

How do we overcome resistance?

You must be focused, determined, and crystal clear on exactly what it is you want out of life. This burning desire will enable you to become your Higher Self.

As Steven Pressfield writes in his book The War of Art, "As resistance works to keep us from becoming who we were born to be, equal and opposite powers are counterpoised against it. These are our allies and angels."

Keep faith that your efforts are not in vain. Trust that the universe is guiding you and that you are protected.  

The battle against resistance is a daily fight. It stands between us and our success. It will stop at nothing to destroy everything we set out to accomplish. 

The more we recognize it as the enemy, the better we become at fighting against it. 

Committing to our daily habits and routines is the only way to overcome resistance. We must become vigilant and structured if we want to win the war. 

Here are five tips for defeating resistance:

Resistance’s goal is not to wound or disable. Resistance aims to kill. Its target is the epicenter of our being: our soul, the unique and priceless gift we were put on earth to give and that no one else has but us.
— Steven Pressfield

Make a list of your goals and read them daily

Writing out your goals and reviewing them every day will keep you focused on what is essential. It will help you avoid wasting time on low-value activities and prioritize the tasks that get you closer to your goals.

Use your time wisely

According to Dr. John DeMartini, there are three types of time: unproductive time, productive time, and super productive time. 

Overcoming resistance means spending less time doing things that are unproductive or of low value.

Of course, everyone requires downtime, but be mindful of how you are utilizing your time.

If you want to get clear on how you use your time, spend a day writing out everything you do from the time you wake up to the time you go to bed. 

Keep track of how much time you are wasting on trivial activities. Are you spending hours on social media, binging Netflix, or wallowing in negativity?

use a Weekly planner


Write out your goals for the week ahead of time. Outline what it is you want to accomplish and keep the promises you make to yourself.

Maybe you will commit to your fitness routine, a passion project, meditation, etc. Whatever your goal is, write it down and use implementation intentions to help you follow through.

Establish a rewards system

Positive reinforcement is an incredibly powerful way to incentivize your commitment to your goals.

Many people will dedicate a Sunday cheat day to reward themselves for following through on an intense week of lifting.

You could treat yourself to a relaxing spa day. Buy yourself something you have been putting off. 

Use the benefits of positive reinforcement to your advantage and reward yourself at the end of the week if you succeed in reaching your weekly goals.

This reward system will rewire your brain to focus on the positive benefits rather than the work required.


Tell someone about your goals and use them as an accountability partner. Having a mentor, coach, mastermind group, or accountability partner is incredibly powerful.

It wasn't until I joined a mastermind group where I was held accountable that I began leveling up and raising the bar for myself. So often, we are operating at a much lower level of productivity than we realize.

Having the support and encouragement of someone you admire can be a tremendous asset in pushing you to reach your goals.

Similar to fear, resistance is a natural part of growth and leveling up. It comes with the territory. You must be on high alert and monitor your thoughts very closely if you want to win the war against resistance.

Become extremely mindful of the power resistance has over you daily. This awareness is the first step. How are you going to overcome resistance this week? Share in the comments below!
