5 Ways to Improve Your Self-Worth and Raise Your Vibration


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What is holding you back from having everything you want in life? For starters, you must feel worthy of the life you desire to manifest. When you lack self-worth, you unintentionally send a signal to the universe that blocks all you want from making its way into your experience.

However, when you feel worthy of love, success, money, and abundance, it has no choice but to gravitate to you. That is the law of the universe. The law of attraction is the ability to attract into our lives that which we focus upon.

Most people are entirely unaware of how much of an impact the Law of Attraction has on their daily life. Every moment, we are acting as human magnets, emanating our thoughts and emotions and attracting back to us that which we have put out.

If we feel unworthy, consciously or unconsciously, we unintentionally pinch ourselves off from allowing our desires to flow into our experience organically.

The more we practice appreciation for ourselves and improve our self-worth, the higher our vibration rises, making us a magnet for everything we desire to attract.

Here are five ways to improve your self-worth and begin co-creating with the universe.

Honor your inner voice

We all have an inner voice guiding us to become our higher selves. The problem is we often aren’t in tune with this inner knowing. More often than not, we tend to ignore our intuition.

This internal guidance system is our ultimate compass in life. The better we become at honoring and trusting this voice, the more in touch we become with the most authentic part of ourselves.

Develop healthy habits

Tending to the body, mind, and spirit is essential for improving our self-worth. As we take pride in the way we look and feel, we honor the body as a whole.

When we eat healthy foods, exercise, meditate, journal, and discipline the body and mind, we develop an inner strength that translates into how we feel about ourselves.

The more we cherish the body and treat it as a temple, the more our energy and vibration rises.

Related Post: 7 Ways to Honor Your True Self


Keep the promises you make to yourself

Self-worth and self-confidence are developed through the consistency of earning your own respect.

As we follow through on our goals and commitments, our inner strength and self-worth improve as a result. On the other hand, if you continually fail to keep the promises you make to yourself, you create a downward spiral of shame and guilt.

Each time you sell yourself short by not following through on your commitments to yourself, you diminish your self-worth.

Stay in your own lane

If there’s one thing that will quickly derail you from raising your confidence and moving towards your dreams, it’s the habit of comparing yourself to others.

Each time you focus on what someone else is doing, you shift your focus and take your eyes off the prize.

Comparison is the thief of joy, and it is a surefire way to lose momentum and negatively impact your self-worth. We are where we are, and comparing our chapter one to someone else’s chapter ten is a recipe for disaster.

Rather than looking around at what everyone else is doing, get clear on your own goals, and write them down.

Review your goals every morning to keep you focused on where you’re going. Each time you achieve a goal, celebrate your wins. The journey is more important than the destination.

Give up the need to please

A large part of improving your self worth comes from knowing and honoring your truth. When we become wrapped up in what others think of us and feel the need to please we sabotage our wants and desires.

Becoming in tune with your authentic self and honoring your inner being allows you to transmute pain into peace and lends itself to transformation.

As we shed parts of the false self, we can connect more fully with our true nature. This connection with Source ignites worthiness that is buried under feelings of shame, fear, and self-doubt.

Related Post: How to Trust Yourself More in Life

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