How to Create an Abundance Mindset and Manifest Your Desires


If you’re lacking in any area of your life, you might be surprised to realize the reason for your unwanted circumstances is a result of your current level of conscious awareness.

Oftentimes we mistakenly assume effort and action are all that's required to achieve our goals and dreams. However, there is more to attracting and manifesting than this.

I’m sure you know a lot of hard-working people who are still struggling mentally, physically, spiritually, and financially.

This is because our level of conscious awareness determines our ability to prosper and attract wealth and abundance into our lives.

An abundance mindset requires the conscious ability to rewire our brains to release self-doubt and limiting beliefs.

Unfortunately, we've been programmed from a young age to view the world in terms of scarcity and lack. It's this limiting perspective that holds us back from having everything we desire.

As you practice elevating your consciousness through mindfulness and meditation, you will inevitably raise your vibration.

As your vibration rises, you become an energetic match to all you wish to manifest in your life.

Through daily practice of stillness, you become more connected to your real and authentic nature.

Your true Self is Source Energy, and the more you connect with this part of yourself, the more enjoyable and effortless life becomes.

As a result, everything you long for will begin to reveal itself.

You become a magnet to your desires, and good things flow into your experience almost effortlessly.  

Your vibration is magnetic

Your current level of awareness is responsible for your current circumstances.

Your thoughts are an attractor pattern. Anything and everything that materializes in your life is a result of your thoughts and beliefs.

The problem most of us have is we allow the low vibrational frequencies of fear, guilt, anger, shame, and self-doubt to dominate our thoughts.

As a result, we continue to attract more unwanted circumstances and events in our lives.

The only way to match the vibrational frequency of your desires is to raise your level of conscious awareness because you can only materialize in physical form that which you are a vibrational match.

Therefore, if your thoughts and beliefs always reiterate unwanted events and circumstances out of fear and scarcity, you will continue to manifest what you predominantly think about.

Direct your attention to the wanted not the unwanted

The key to creating an abundance mindset is to focus your attention on what you desire and intend to manifest, rather than fixate on your present reality.

If your current circumstances do not reflect the life you wish to live, you must raise your vibration by envisioning yourself as the person you intend to become.

As you imagine your life as your future self, revel in the feelings associated with that new and improved version of yourself.

  • See yourself living the life you desire to live.

  • What will it feel like to live that life?

  • Use your imagination and senses to embody the future version of you in the present.

  • Make a list of positive aspects that entail all you intend to do and have as the future you.

As you contemplate your future self, you create this version of your life in the quantum field. Using the power of your imagination, you are co-creating with the universe. 


Focus on getting in alignment

A significant hindrance to our success is focusing our attention on the how rather than the what.

When we know exactly what we wish to manifest and visualize this life as if it were a reality, the universe will do its part in co-conspiring with us.

Focus your attention on raising your vibration daily and you will be astonished to see how many opportunities show up in your life.

Your job is to spend time each day getting into alignment. Once you are in alignment you automatically become a vibrational match to your desires.

You will then get an impulse to do something. Follow that impulse because that is a nudge from the universe guiding you.

Let go of the old self

You can not take any part of your old self into the new level of consciousness required for raising your vibration.

All of your current beliefs, fears, and limitations are weights that bind you to your present level of consciousness.

If you intend to create from a higher consciousness, you must be willing to let the old parts of yourself fall away.

You must transcend your current reality and leave behind all that is now your present self or conception of yourself.

This means you must take your attention away from your present problems and instead visualize what you desire to create. 

Everything you experience in your outer world is a reflection of your state of consciousness.

Therefore, upgrading your life requires upgrading your beliefs about what is possible for you.

Most of us have a limited perception of what is possible.

We underestimate our true potential. We are conditioned to view the world in terms of scarcity and lack rather than wealth and abundance.

Most of us allow the unconscious programs of our subconscious mind to control our thoughts, actions, and behaviors.

Stretch into the unknown

This self-sabotaging program inhibits us from achieving our desires because it continues to pull us back to the familiar past.

It does not like the idea of change and tries to keep us in the known.

Each time we push past this fear of the unknown and make a conscious effort to step out of the familiar, we have exercised free will. 

This elevated level of consciousness is required to raise your vibration. 

On the other hand, when your mind is on autopilot, it continues to drag you into the same predictable future based on what you've experienced in the past.

The brain is designed to keep you safe and will try to protect you by keeping you inside your comfort zone.

If you want to override this tendency to stay stuck inside the familiar you must make a conscious effort to consistently see yourself as the future version of yourself rather than the current version of you.

The abundance you attract in your life when you align with your true nature is incomparable to the hustle and grind of the ego.  

  The best way to create an abundance mindset and attract everything you desire is to practice getting in alignment every day through conscious connection with Source. Meditation is the best way to do this.


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