How To Crush It In Life And Business


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Regardless of the journey you are on, there are fundamental principles that will enable you to crush it in both life and business.

As you probably know, success leaves clues, and if we want to achieve greatness in life, we would be wise to take notes from those that have paved the way before us.

Along my personal development journey, I've learned a lot about what separates the successful from those who never manage to get their dreams off of the ground.

I've read dozens of books, listened to hundreds of podcast episodes, and invested tens of thousands of dollars to learn from people who are crushing it in both business and life.

They are living a life that most people only dream about.

Ultimately, they are willing to do what most people aren't and set themselves up to rise above the complacency and mediocrity that cripples the masses.

Here are five principles for success and fulfillment that will have you on the road to crushing it in business and living your best life.

Establish a morning routine

I can't possibly stress the importance of having a morning routine enough.

Without the discipline and structure of a morning routine, it’s nearly impossible to get a solid grip on your day to day activities.

When you master your morning, you master your life; it's really that simple.

A morning routine can look a lot of different ways, but ideally, you would take time to exercise and spend at least a few minutes in solitude to prime your mind for a day of less stress and more ease.

To learn more about my morning routine and rituals, click here.

Get comfortable being uncomfortable


Stretching outside of your comfort zone is undeniably a struggle for so many of us.

We start to feel like a kid all over again. Entering brand new territory like that first day, we entered high school as a freshman. It can be terrifying and painful in many ways.

However, this feeling of fear and discomfort is inescapable when leveling up in life. You have to get used to being the new kid on the block when acquiring new skills.

Staying in the cozy confines of your comfort zone sends you on a downward spiral of endlessly denying your goals and dreams out of fear.

Embrace the feelings of being an amateur because personal growth involves constantly learning and evolving.

You can’t expect to grow if you are paralyzed by fear of the unknown.

What other people think of you is none of your business

If you are going to step into the best version of yourself, you will most likely be met with some resistance by those around you, including family and friends.

Many people get uncomfortable when you step outside of the box they tried to put you in.

Not only will people have all kinds of opinions about you and your newfound activities, but they will unconsciously start to feel resentful.

Essentially you are reflecting back to them all of the things they are not willing to do for themselves.

Be aware of criticism and commentary from those who are not ready to step into their full potential.

They will inundate you with reasons why you should take less risk and stick with a conventional life.

Stay in your lane and avoid looking to friends and family for reassurance because in the end you are the only person who knows what is best for you and your personal growth.


You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with

As you begin stepping into the next level version of yourself, it's essential to surround yourself with people living the life you want to live.

Find mastermind groups, mentors, or coaches that have walked the path before you and learn as much as possible from them.

The more time you spend with naysayers, the less likely you are to reach your high aspirations.

Venture outside of the herd and connect with other like-minded people that will encourage and support you on your journey.


Be prepared to spend more time alone


The process of releasing your false self and stepping into your authentic self can be a long and daunting road, especially in the beginning.

You will have to spend more time getting to know yourself better, and this introspection can be an uncomfortable process.

As you develop more positive daily habits and routines, you will notice old patterns, and even people begin to fall away.

Shedding the unwanted layers of yourself requires solitude and reflection.

Without this time for deep introspection, you will likely lose sight of what is most important.

Structure your day


Structure and discipline are the foundation for success in any area of your life. Without them, your goals and dreams will crumble.

Establishing a life of order and structure enables you to avoid low priority activities and stick with high level tasks that will move the needle and help you achieve your goals and dreams.

When we are disciplined, we are more productive; and when we are productive, we genuinely feel better about ourselves.

Lying around the house and not accomplishing much other than consuming endless hours of television is not a recipe for a happy life.

Learn to embrace structure and discipline because this shift will completely change your life.

Pay yourself first

Most people neglect the importance of paying themselves as soon as they receive their income.

Yet, this is one of the most basic and essential principles to building and sustaining wealth.

Get in the habit of saving a minimum of ten percent of your monthly income in an automatic withdrawal savings account.

This will alleviate any resistance you may have to saving money.

As a result, you will be much more inclined to only spend what is remaining and avoid making careless purchases.

Remember to cultivate discrimination in your habits and routines so you choose what actually revitalizes you and avoid what drains your time and energy.

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