7 Signs You Are Shifting To Elevated Levels of Consciousness


A major shift in consciousness is occurring on the planet at this time. Many refer to this as The Great Awakening.

Regardless of what you call it, there is an undeniable shift taking place in the collective consciousness.

More and more people are now waking up and starting to see through the conditioning and indoctrination we’ve been exposed to since birth.

While it is an incredible time to be alive, it can also be a confusing, painful, and frightening time.

As new levels of awareness become heightened, the old self, attached to the old ways of thinking and behaving, slowly begin to fall away.

You can liken this time to that of a snake shedding its skin or a caterpillar's metamorphosis into a butterfly. As new levels of consciousness emerge, a dying off of the old happens simultaneously.

This recalibration to higher levels of frequency is both beautiful and painful.

However, we must go through the darkness to experience the light. Despite the discomfort resulting from alchemizing pain into purpose, it is necessary for the greater good and the universe as a collective.

The old paradigm is shifting, and those attuned to elevated levels of consciousness can now see through the veil of deception that has kept us paralyzed for generations.

As you embark on your spiritual journey, the world will start to look completely different. Life takes on a new meaning, and things that you never deemed possible will suddenly be revealed to you.

Higher levels of consciousness enable higher levels of understanding, and with this shift comes many changes. Remind yourself that the pain and discomfort associated with this elevation are necessary.

Buckle up, embrace the emotional roller coaster, and enjoy the ride.

Here are seven signs that you are shifting to elevated levels of consciousness and transcending the old paradigm.

  1. You experience more inner peace

As you shift into higher levels of consciousness, you naturally begin to release feelings of aggression, hostility, and anger. An inner peace illuminates from within, and the things that used to bother you no longer have any power over you. Your connection to the Divine instills an attitude of calm and peace that transcends feelings of angst, stress, and overwhelm.

2. You take full responsibility for your life

You begin to understand that happiness and success are a choice that must come from within. You accept that you are completely capable of creating the life you desire, and you make affirming choices to move in that direction. Your happiness is no longer contingent upon others. You release the fear of what might happen in life because you are prepared for any obstacle.

3. You prioritize self-care

You acknowledge that self-care isn't selfish, and you begin prioritizing your mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. You realize the importance of caring for your own needs before addressing the needs of others. You know that you will only be able to give your best to others when you have well cared for yourself.


4. You spend more time alone

You find yourself with the intense desire to spend more time in solitude so that you can continue to explore the inner workings of your mind. This time in isolation is critical as it allows you to reconnect with your inner being and tune into the whispers of your soul. The more time you spend moving away from the noise and moving toward stillness, the more your vibration will rise. As your vibration rises, you naturally calibrate to the frequency of Divine Intelligence.

 5. You are pulled to make a change

 You have a gut feeling that it's time to take a leap of faith and make a change in your life. As you begin to shift to a higher level of consciousness, there are several things in your life that no longer fit. Your job, home, and personal belongings may be pulled into question as you shift to higher levels of awareness.

6. You feel called to serve and live a life of purpose

You start to realize that you want to spend your time and energy on the things in life that directly fulfill your newly found purpose. You feel a strong pull to use your gifts and talents freely in a way that will serve humanity. You feel less attached to the outcome or monetary compensation and more inclined to share your knowledge and expertise with the world.

7. You have less attachment to the physical/material world

As you become more connected to Spirit, you will likely feel less attached to the physical, material world. When you connect more deeply with the Divine presence within, there is less desire to consume and accumulate material possessions. Life takes on a new meaning where the tangible is less important, and the intangible becomes a source of great comfort.

Raising your consciousness requires going within and connecting with the highest part of your Self. As Eknath Easwaran writes in his interpretation of The Upanishads, “The infinite - free, unbounded, full of joy - is our native state. We have fallen from that state and seek it everywhere: every human activity is an attempt to fill this void. But as long as we try to fill it from outside ourselves, we are making demands on life which life cannot fulfill. Finite things can never appease an infinite hunger. Nothing can satisfy us but reunion with our real Self, which the Upanishads say is sat-chit-ananda: absolute reality, pure awareness, unconditioned joy.”

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