5 Tips for Aligning With Your Higher Self


Aligning with your higher self is about connecting with the deepest part of your true and authentic being. It's peeling back the layers of the false self to uncover the greatness that lies within.

Most of us don't realize we are often hiding behind layers and layers of fear, self-limiting beliefs, and self-doubt.

We've been conditioned to hide our vulnerabilities and wear masks of conformity.

It isn't until we learn to sit with ourselves in stillness that we begin to uncover and shed these masks.

Unfortunately, in Western society, we are never taught how to go deep within and unlock our infinite potential. Instead, we are conditioned to seek outside of ourselves for answers and look to everyone else for reassurance.

This conditioning starts at a very young age, and we never question the beliefs and generational patterns passed down to us.

As a result, the false self emerges full of insecurities, judgments, shame, and resentments.

It isn't until we practice stepping outside of conventional norms, tuning in to our higher self, and focusing the mind through meditation that we start to create space for spiritual growth to occur.

The daily habits that most of us have, like watching hours of television, mindlessly scrolling on social media, gossiping, complaining, etc. are not a recipe for spiritual growth.

There's a reason monks isolate themselves and follow a rigid lifestyle full of structure and discipline to attain enlightenment. The noise from the outside world isn’t conducive to deep connectedness with our Spirit.

However, cultivating specific daily practices enables us to develop that connection with our higher self without shaving our heads and living in an Ashram. The operative word here is to cultivate, which requires effort and discipline on our parts.

Let's look at five ways to foster this connection with our inner being and align with the higher self.

Own your magnificence

If you're like most people, you probably spend a lot more time focusing on all the aspects of yourself that you'd love to change rather than honing in your beauty and magnificence.

It's time to fall in love with yourself and own your uniqueness. When you look in the mirror, remind yourself that your reflection is not an ever-changing body but a radiant being that is your highest self.

Create a mantra that affirms; I am love, I am infinite intelligence, I am worthy. Repeat this mantra silently and aloud multiple times a day to honor your connection to the Divine.

Place words of affirmation around your house and say the words I love you to yourself in the mirror. This practice enables you to release old patterns of self-criticism and strengthen your relationship with the Source within you.

The healing benefits of breathwork

In the words of Swami Rama, "Controlling the breath, is a prerequisite to controlling the mind and the body."

For most of us in the Western world, breathing is an unconscious part of life, but the science of breath, sarvodaya, is a conscious practice studied and honored in the East.

There are entire monasteries devoted to breathing, and it's been said that many of the so-called miracles performed by yogis are based primarily on control of the breath.

Breathing allows the body to take in oxygen for fuel and energy exchange. Its rate and rhythm, course and depth, all affect how the body is energized.

When we sit and deliberately work with the breath, we begin to see changes in the body's functions.

As we learn to focus on the breath, we are pulled inward and can connect with the life force within us.

Here is a list of breathing exercises for you to practice.

Benefits of Grounding

The earth is an incredible living, breathing spirit known as Gaia. She is the mother of us all, supporting all life on this planet. Connecting with her gives us physical strength and support.

Grounding is the act of allowing our Spirit to be nurtured by Mother Earth through coming in direct contact with the earth's surface.

The more time we spend in nature, the more grounded and connected we become to this amazing support system.

When we are disconnected from Gaia, we feel weak, uneasy, and restless. 

Grounding benefits are backed by earthing science and grounding physics, which explains how the earth's electrical charges positively affect the body. 

Research suggests the natural defenses of the body are restored through the grounding practice.

As we absorb the energy from Mother Earth, we restore balance in the body, allowing us to release stress and anxiety. The more connected to the Divine, the more aligned with our higher self.

Related Post: How To Reconnect With Source Energy


Reconnect to your divine feminine energy

Both men and women have masculine and feminine energies. Problems tend to arise when we are more dominant in one area than the other.

Many of us carry both the wounded feminine and wounded masculine energies, resulting in difficulties in our lives and relationships.

When we neglect our divine feminine energy and carry too much masculine energy, we will likely be disconnected from our emotions, guarded and afraid to let people in, overthinking and overworking, and cut off from support and love.

The more we acknowledge our pain, the easier it is to heal.

The divine feminine energy is our healer. We cannot experience living as our highest self unless we process and heal old wounds.

An excellent exercise for feeling and tuning into your emotions is journaling. Writing allows us to process our thoughts and release them from being trapped in the body.

You can even go one step further and burn the paper after you’ve written out and released the pain.


Self Care is not selfish

Self-care involves everything from exercise, drinking enough water, eating healthy, getting a massage, etc.

It's about honoring your body, mind, and spirit enough to treat them with love and care.

If you want to lose weight, hire a fitness coach.

If you need more social interaction, join a mastermind group or a book club.

Whatever it is that you need, honor it and start giving it to yourself.

You are the only person who can make your needs a priority. Stop sacrificing your health and happiness in the name of love for other people. You can't pour from an empty cup, so start putting your needs first. 

There is no better feeling in the world than being entirely in alignment with your higher self. Take time to prioritize some or all of these tips and watch your entire life begin to shift in magical ways. 

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