The One Thing You Need To Succeed..


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Do you lack self-discipline and structure in your life?

Do you find yourself conjuring up lofty and unrealistic goals with no plan of action for how to achieve them?

If this sounds familiar, you're certainly not alone.

Most of us lack self-discipline and it is the one thing sabotaging our health, happiness, and success.

We prefer to live a life of instant gratification rather than forego what feels good in the moment for what will benefit us long term. 

The word discipline usually has a negative connotation. It sounds harsh and restricting. We assume discipline implies giving up what we love and living a less exciting or mundane life.

In other words, we focus our attention on what we will lose by creating order in our lives, rather than on what we will gain. 

The word discipline is derived from the root word discere, which means to learn. Therefore, discipline is to study, learn, or train, not to punish or restrict. 

When we approach discipline in this way, we realize just how powerful it is in improving our lives.  

It frees our minds from the anguish of guilt. It allows us to take control of our days and live in alignment with our highest values.

It is the one thing that can liberate us from destructive behaviors and set us up for success in every area of our lives.

As Aristotle put it, human beings are teleological organisms, meaning we are purpose-driven by nature.

Thus we feel happy and in control only when we are moving toward clearly defined goals each day. 

Therefore, becoming a lifelong goal-setter is essential for fulfillment and happiness.

Ultimately, it is one of the most critical disciplines one can ever develop. 

Why is self-discipline so important?

The simple act of establishing clearly defined goals and moving toward them each day, even subtly, provides a sense of accomplishment that ignites purpose and fulfillment.  

As we spend time writing and reviewing our goals, we program the subconscious mind to seek ways to make those goals a reality.

The more clarity we have around what we desire for our lives, the easier it gets to design our ideal life and make it a reality—clarity coupled with inspired action results in manifestation. 

The problem for many is the lack of clarity and vision. Most people never devote much time to visualizing their ideal life.

Rather than establish clearly defined goals and aspirations, we settle for mere hopes and wishes. 

It's much less intimidating to hope that one day you will be the 1 out of 300 million people to win the Powerball than to decide what it is you would like to accomplish and begin making plans to bring it to fruition.

Self-discipline is a form of freedom. Freedom from laziness and lethargy, freedom from expectations and demands of others, freedom from weakness and fear — and doubt.
— H.A. Dorfman

Discipline + Momentum = Unstoppable

Once you have outlined a list of goals, it's probably best to narrow it down to one for the time being.  

Now that you have one clearly defined goal, you can begin taking daily steps that move you in the direction of accomplishing your goal.

Decide a particular time of day that you will dedicate to working on your goal. This timeframe can be as little as fifteen minutes a day as long as you remain consistent.

The more consistent you are, the more momentum you will begin to build.

An effective way to keep track of your progress is to create a habit log. Mark an X in your calendar each time you follow through on working towards your goal. Each X will create a chain of consistency.

The object of this exercise is to avoid breaking the chain; otherwise, you will have to start again at zero.

This record of your consistency will act as a visual representation of your commitment to your goals.

The discipline of setting, reviewing, and taking action toward your goals will make you a purpose-driven, confident, and powerful person.



Start living up to your potential


Do you agree with the statement, there's nothing worse than wasted talent?

How often have you seen incredibly talented individuals squander their genius through a lack of self-discipline, dedication, and drive?

Regardless of how much talent someone has, if they are unwilling to build self-discipline, their talent will merely go to waste.

Without the firm decision and commitment to foster our skills, they will be tossed aside and neglected.

Instead, we become complacent and despondent and allow the rush of instant gratification to override discipline and dedication.

On the other hand, many people with minimal talent at the start can become incredibly skilled through their persistence and commitment to their craft.

As Michael Jordan said, Some people want it to happen, some wish it will happen, others make it happen.


Mastery requires discipline

According to the experts, mastery of a field requires a minimum of 10,000 hours of hard work and dedication.

Assuming you want to become an expert in your chosen field, rather than settle for mediocrity, self-discipline is the backbone of your success.

It is not enough to dabble here and there.

Mastery requires steadfast commitment and dedication.

To reach our full potential, we must become disciplined. As we become more disciplined and move in pursuit of our dreams, we reach a state of euphoria.

Working towards our goals triggers a chemical release of dopamine in the brain.

This "feel-good" hormone provides the stamina we need to achieve our goals regardless of how overwhelming they might seem. Use this dopamine release to your advantage.

Create daily checklists that reinforce positive daily habits. Each time you complete a task, your body will instantly feel the rush of dopamine in your system, encouraging you to do it again and again.

Developing self-restraint is essential to success. The most successful people understand the importance of exerting discipline daily.

Without it, we will always be at the mercy of our impulses and our environment.