5 Personal Growth Books That Will Change Your Life


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As a stay at home mom of two, who is currently building a business, I don't have much free time on my hands.

Luckily for me, I absolutely love to read and learn and reading has become my favorite hobby.

Over the past couple years, I've realized just how essential it is to be learning, growing, and evolving as much as possible.

Every day, I listen to at least thirty minutes of an audio book and spend roughly the same amount of time, if not more, reading.

Here are five personal growth books that I really enjoyed recently and hope you will too.

  1. High Performance Habits by Brendan Burchard

High Performance Habits is an absolute must-read book if you are interested in up-leveling your life.

As a high performance coach for some of the most elite performers in the world, Burchard has spent over a decade decoding what makes high performers so successful and unique.

After conducting one of the most extensive studies in the world on high performance, Burchard and his team discovered six habits that separate the highly successful from everyone else.

The six habits they found that have the most significant impact on high performance were:

  1. Seek clarity- High performers consistently ask themselves the right questions about what will bring them happiness, fulfillment and increase their productivity.

  2. Generate energy- High performers incorporate habits that generate greater physical vitality and health.

  3. Raise necessity- High Performers use specific mental strategies to get in the zone and perform at peak levels.

  4. Increase productivity- High performers focus 60% of their energy on their PQO (Prolific Quality Output) to maintain focus and stay on task with their highest priority tasks.

  5. Develop influence- High performers understand the importance of effective leadership and influence.

  6. Demonstrate courage- High performers are willing to stand up for what they believe, speak their truth, and regularly step outside of their comfort zones.

Ultimately, anyone can become a high performer as long as they have the right habits and systems in place.

2. Inspiration: Your Ultimate Calling by Dr. Wayne Dyer

There is no one quite like the amazing Dr. Wayne Dyer to get you inspired and motivated to take control of your life.

I remember reading through Inspiration: Your Ultimate Calling many years ago, but it didn't resonate with me quite as much back then.

Most likely because I was in my early twenties, and I couldn't quite grasp the magnitude of the message.

As Dyer explains, we all have a voice inside of us, calling each of us to remember our purpose—our reason for being here now, in this world of impermanence.

Having experienced this calling, if you will, or nudge from the universe over the past couple of years, I wholeheartedly agree.

I believe we all have a gift, and if we practice quieting the mind regularly, we will be able to hear the whispers of our soul.

This book beautifully illustrates the synchronicity and wonder that comes to pass when we learn to follow our inner guidance and heed the call of Spirit.


3. The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

This is another book that I read many years ago, but didn't resonate with quite as much back then as I do now.

This time around I listened to the audio version and was completely mesmerized by the sound of Tolle's voice reading his incredibly thought-provoking words.

The Power Of Now is a spiritual self-help book that explains how to discover your true Being, release pain, and cultivate deep inner peace.

It is intended to be a guide to day-to-day living, and stresses the importance of living in the present moment and transcending past or future thoughts.


 4. The Values Factor by Dr. John DeMartini

The Values Factor explains how to create a life in which every moment is full of inspiration and fulfillment.

As Dr. DeMartini explains, the first step in creating the life you've always dreamed of is identifying what matters most to you.

All too often, we live our lives based on other people’s expectations of us rather than tuning into what we value the most.

This lack of clarity and introspection leads us to live hollow, unfulfilling lives.

Once we understand our unique values and align accordingly, we can achieve fulfillment in every aspect of our lives.

As a result, we can deepen our relationships, create an inspiring career, establish financial freedom, and tap into a rich spiritual life.

Without first identifying our highest values, we are unable to sustain a life that is fulfilling in all bodies: spiritual, mental, physical, and emotional.

Gaining clarity around our values allows us to get crystal clear on the life we desire to live.

The book provides a thirteen-part questionnaire that guides you in uncovering your values and building your dream life based on what is most important to you.

 5. You Are A Badass by Jen Sincero

If you are looking for a fun, lighthearted, and entertaining book that is still very informative look no further.

You Are A Badass, explains how to make your dreams a reality without taking yourself or life so seriously.

A New York Times' best-seller, this book is hilarious, refreshing, and inspiring.

Get ready to move past your limiting beliefs and claim the life you deserve, because you are a badass and you deserve to have it all!

I hope you enjoy these suggestions as much as I did. Happy reading!

Share which ones you’ve already read in the comments and let me know your favorites.

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