How To Get Out of a Rut and Live Your Best Life


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What does it take to move in the direction of your best self?

Society has us believing the more we accomplish or the more money we make, the better we will feel.

We all know this is not the true meaning of happiness, but it's easy to get swept away by the illusion that outside achievements will improve our self-worth.

We walk a tight rope between striving for our goals and not feeling worthy of the life we say we want.

We go to battle every day with the inner critic that wants to tear us down at every turn.

How do we find meaning, purpose, and joy in life when every day feels like a never-ending to-do list?

Here are five things to remember when you are stuck in a rut, and you feel like giving up.



Sorry to rain on your parade, but your life is your responsibility.

Learn to let go of any attachment to the idea that you are somehow entitled to something from someone else.

It's time to pull up your big girl pants and decide what it is you want out of life.

You have to know what your ideal life looks like and plan how to make that life a reality.

Looking to others for help or validation will only hold you back.

A support system is helpful, but you have to remember you are in the driver's seat.

You have to make the best decisions for you, without being dependent on others.

Reject your sense of injury and the injury itself disappears.
— Marcus Aurelius



When is the last time something amazing happened while you were lounging in your pajamas, eating ice-cream, and watching Netflix?

Oh, never? I didn't think so.

Change happens when we push past the confines of the familiar.

It's in the stretching and trying new things that we find our purpose and passions in life.

The definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over, and expecting different results.

If we want our current reality to change in some way, we must change our habits and beliefs.

  • Make a list of 3 things you would love to try, but fear has held you back.

  • Next to each one, write a deadline for accomplishing that goal or activity.

  • Push yourself to pick one and start working towards it.

It can be big or small but challenge yourself to do something uncomfortable.

Most of us settle into a life that never forces us to stretch.

We fall into the trap of same sh*t, different day, and then wonder why life is so monotonous.

Comfortability is a one-way ticket to mediocrity.

Most people have settled into the safety and security of complacency.

Don’t let that be you!

Make the decision today to stop playing small and start taking action.




Oftentimes we are so wrapped up in all the things that didn't go our way in the past, that we blatantly ignore future possibilities.

The shadow of our past clouds our judgment and keeps us stuck.

We inevitably lose sight of the dreams and possibilities that are closer than we realize.

Envisioning our dream life is incredibly powerful; embodying that dream, as if it were reality, goes one step further.

Walking, talking, and acting as if our ideal life is already a part of our experience is a magnet for abundance.

The sooner we can behave as if everything we want has already happened, the sooner we can attract that life into our experience.

As Abraham Hicks says, "there is no assertion, just attraction."




The law of attraction never sleeps. It is always giving you more of what you focus on.

If you focus on the negative, you attract more of what you don't want into your life.

When you practice focusing on the positive, incredible things begin to unfold.

You must train your mind to focus on the positive as much as possible.

A daily gratitude list is very beneficial.

Gratitude primes your brain to continue looking for all the positive aspects of your life.

The average person thinks up to 70,000 thoughts per day, most of which are the exact same thoughts as the previous day.

It just so happens that most of these repetitive thoughts are negative.

Psychologists refer to these as automatic negative thoughts (ANTs).

It is our responsibility to bring awareness to these negative thoughts and redirect them as quickly as possible.

When you notice yourself going on a Negative Nancy rampage, catch yourself in the act and focus your attention on something more positive or neutral.

Once our negative thoughts build momentum, it's harder to reign them in.

Be mindful of your tendency to go down the rabbit hole of automatic negative thoughts.




Affirmations are a great way to plant seeds of possibility.

In the same way that we fuel our bodies with nutritious foods, we must nourish our minds with positive affirmations.

Affirmations interrupt our negative programming and force us to shine a light on faith and possibility.

The more consistent we are at viewing life through the lens of possibility, the less power our automatic negative thoughts have over us.  


You are in charge of your life and how it turns out, nobody else.

Reflect on how satisfied you are with your life from 1-10. Figure out which areas need improvement.

Only you know what your heart and soul needs.

Clarity will allow you to get out of a rut and move in the direction of your best self, so you can live your best life.

The more consistent you are, the more the universe will yield opportunities to you.

Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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