5 Signs You’re Out Of Alignment


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If there's one thing I wish I would've learned much earlier in life, it's the importance of getting into alignment and maintaining a high vibration.

Unfortunately, for most of us, this isn't a topic we learn in school or from our parents growing up.

As a result, this lack of understanding of how vibration works and the impact our thoughts have on our reality is typically foreign to most of us.

Having read Wayne Dyer's The Power Of Intention, in my early twenties, I was familiar with the Law of Attraction.

However, it took many more years to fully grasp the importance of raising and maintaining a high vibration.

Like most people, I was accustomed to thinking and acting a certain way and was convinced it was just who I was.

I never realized just how much I could shift my unwanted thoughts and behaviors through being more deliberate with my habits and routines.

Over time, this transformation of my mindset and constant rewiring of my brain's neural pathways enabled me to become a vibrational match to the life I was meant to live.

Let's look at five signs that you are currently out of vibrational alignment with the universe and how to begin matching the frequency of your desires.  

Stress and anxiety


When we move through life full of stress and anxiety, we are not in alignment.

Typically we are overwhelmed by life and our responsibilities, which means we have not found harmony in our daily routines.

When we worry, anticipate the future, or get stuck thinking about the past, we are unconsciously attracting more of the same unwanted events into our lives.

Therefore, stress and anxiety are a result of not being in touch with the present moment.

On the other hand, when we are in alignment, we feel more at ease because we trust the universe is supporting us.

When you have faith that things are always working out for you, there is no need to feel stressed or overwhelmed. 

Victim mentality


Being in alignment is all about syncing up with the energy that creates worlds. It's about co-creating with the universe and manifesting all that you desire into your life.

If you are fixated on what someone did to you or how someone inflicted pain upon you, you are unintentionally giving away your power to that individual.

Forgiveness is about releasing ourselves from the clutches of hurt, anger, and resentment.

In other words, holding onto anger or resentment is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to feel the effects.

The sooner we release any anger or hatred towards another person, the sooner we become free. This does not excuse their bad behavior, but it releases your attachment to it.

When you are in alignment, you take full responsibility for your life. You are not inclined to blame anyone else for your circumstances.

If you are angry at those around you for their bad behavior, you're weakening your energy field as a result.

Negative people can't bring you down if you're operating at the high energy frequencies of love, compassion, and acceptance. 


If you’re experiencing scarcity, anguish, depression, an absence of love, or any inability to attract what you desire, seriously look at how you’ve been attracting these circumstances into your life.
— Wayne Dyer

The need for control


When we are in alignment with the universe, we learn to trust and surrender.

Surrender is not about sitting back and waiting for things to suddenly manifest on our doorstep.

It's about doing the work necessary to feel good and stay aligned with our highest values while trusting that Divine Intelligence is working for us, not against us.

We know we are aligned with the universe when people and opportunities present themselves through a beautiful, synchronistic chain of events.

As Gabby Bernstein writes in her book The Universe Has Your Back, “The promise of aligning with your energy presence is that you’ll be more connected. This connection creates deeper relationships, synchronistic support from the Universe, easy access to your source of inspiration, and a sense of safety in the midst of uncertainty.”

You will be amazed as the right opportunities show up in your life at the perfect time, and endless possibilities emerge seemingly out of nowhere.

Feeling unhappy or depressed


We always know whether or not we are in alignment by the way we feel. If you find yourself feeling down and out or stuck in a rut, this is a clear sign that you are out of alignment.

While it is normal to feel "off" from time to time, being in alignment allows you to feel your best most of the time.

You have learned the tools to control your thoughts and shift negative emotions more easily.

As a result, you feel really good, more often than not.



Unfavorable circumstances keep happening

Looking back on my younger years, I can remember an endless chain of events that were clear signs that I was entirely out of alignment.

I used to think bad things always happen to me and I have the worst luck.

In reality, everything that was showing up in my life was a direct reflection of my thoughts and beliefs. If you find yourself thinking thoughts like these, this is a clear sign that you are out of alignment.

The Universe/God/Source/Creator does not have it out for you. Whatever you are experiencing, both positive or negative, you have attracted through your subconscious beliefs and habitual thought patterns.

Wayne Dyer says it best in The Power of Intention"The circumstances in your life, including your health, are yours. Somehow they showed up in your life, so assume that you participated in all of it."

Become aware of the unwanted events you experience and ask yourself how you are attracting those circumstances into your life.


Keep in mind getting into alignment is always about following your joy and releasing attachment to anyone or anything that stifles your energy.

You are an energetic field and the higher your vibration, the more capable you are of matching the frequency of your dreams and desires.

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