How To Live A More Inspired Life


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What's the difference between living a life fueled by motivation versus a life full of inspiration?

I always considered myself to be a pretty motivated person. I am driven, ambitious, and hard-working.

However, the grinding, forcing and pushing to make things happen and accomplish my goals always seemed to leave me with an emptiness inside.

I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but I never felt genuine fulfillment no matter how much I achieved. There was always a void waiting to be filled.

It wasn't until I started practicing meditation that I realized the reason behind this feeling.

What I discovered along my spiritual and personal development journey was that in all my years of striving to accomplish, I was lacking inspiration.

Motivation enabled me to accomplish things like buying a house and finishing graduate school, but I wasn’t tuning into my inner voice along the way.

Looking back, I realize I was living from a place of motivation rather than inspiration.

Many of us are motivated by external factors such as buying a house, owning a fancy car or reaching a particular level of social status, but so often we are not tapped into the whispers of our Soul.

We unconsciously subscribe to societal norms as a means of fitting in and feeling validated.

As a result, we lose touch with that part of ourselves that craves more inspiration and fulfillment.

If we feel moved to do something that lights us up but deny this impulse out of fear or doubt, we experience discontentment and disappointment.

The nagging feeling we experience that is calling out for more comes from relinquishing our true spiritual nature. 

On the other hand, when we live in-Spirit, we are connected to Divine Intelligence and the larger part of ourselves.

We begin to move into alignment because we are honoring our authentic selves.  

As Wayne Dyer beautifully writes in his book Inspiration: Your Ultimate Calling, "Sadly, when we began our human training, we were taught to abandon most of our spiritual identity and adopt a new one based on ego-consciousness, or a sense of being separate from Spirit."

In other words, we ignore our inner knowing and allow our ego to decide our course of action.

The more we align with our true nature and follow our internal guidance system, the better we feel. As a result, we begin to vibrate higher and attract more goodness into our lives.

When we choose to honor the authentic self rather than the false self, we live on purpose.

Let's look at five ways to live a more inspired life.

“All bodies emerge from the Soul and return to it. The visible emerges from the invisible, is controlled by it, and returns to it.”
— Lao Russell

Become the observer


Practice seeing the physical world for the illusion that it really is. The more you can observe the world from a bird's eye view and stop focusing so much on the minutiae of life, the more content you will feel.

If you are surrounded by negativity, practice stepping outside of yourself and merely observing.

Mentally step outside of your body and notice what is stopping you from feeling inspired.

Repeat mantras to yourself, such as

  • I choose to feel good

  • I align with the Spirit within me

  • I have absolutely no limits on what I intend to create.



Imagine moving through life with absolute faith that you can have everything your heart desires. Take time to connect deeply with your inner knowing.

When we live each day in-Spirit, we leave behind the world of anxiety, fear, doubt, and impossibility.

We enter a new world of inspiration and purpose, where all things are possible.

You don't have to know how you will accomplish your goals and dreams. You just have to begin moving towards them in any way that feels right to you.

Trust that the universe will guide you along your way. When we re-emerge into the perfect oneness of Spirit, we transcend limitation. We create space for allowing.

Related: How To Enjoy The Journey Not Just The Destination




As I said earlier, it wasn't until I began meditating that I started to tap into my inner guidance system. Before developing a meditation practice, I was mostly seeking outside of myself for validation and approval.

As I began quieting my mind daily, I instantly felt less stressed and anxious throughout my day. Suddenly I was more connected to my inner being and the Source within me.

This frame of mind enabled me to heed my calling to develop my writing, something I always loved to do but neglected for many years.

Spend some time every day, preferably early in the morning, in a state of meditation. Meditation can be as little as 5-10 minutes, but with consistency, it is life-changing.

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Raise your vibration


When we feel uninspired, we need to make a vibrational adjustment that puts our thoughts and actions back into alignment with the desire to feel good.

The better we get at shifting our negative thoughts to ideas that uplift us, the higher our vibration will rise.

As our vibration rises, we attract an abundance of opportunities into our lives. By aligning our thoughts and behaviors, we become a vibrational match to all that we desire.

Be of service


When we are living in-Spirit, we have overcome the limitations of the ego. We move into a world full of love where we feel inspired to serve others.

We are called to use our talents freely in a way that spreads joy, faith, and hope. When we do something kind for someone else, we are replenishing our Soul.

This does not mean we should put another person's needs above our own.

However, when we are truly living from a place of truth and authenticity, we feel called to uplift those around us. As we begin radiating love and light, we manifest more of the same back into our lives.

Living an inspired life is about connecting deeply with the truest part of ourselves. As we spend more time in meditation and solitude, we come to know our true nature. Honoring this true nature leads us on a journey of following our hearts and living in alignment with Source Energy.

Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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