How to Prioritize Your Health and Fitness when life gets in the way


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We all have the same 24 hours in a day, but our priorities determine whether we use them wisely or not.

If we are not strategic with our time, we will spend countless hours on activities that negatively impact us physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Many of our daily habits are unconscious behaviors that inadvertently sabotage our health and happiness.

Life can be hectic, and some days it feels like we have an avalanche of things to get done, but sacrificing our health and fitness along the way is not the solution.

If we want to live long and healthy lives, fitness must be at the forefront of our minds.

A healthy mind and body is the foundation for an optimal life.

Caring for ourselves physically and mentally allows us to reach our highest potential.

Here are five ways to prioritize your health and fitness, even when life gets in the way.

If you don’t make time for wellness, you will be forced to make time for illness.

determine how you spend your time


Begin analyzing your days and how you spend your waking hours.  

Chances are you're spending a lot of time on frivolous matters.

According to research, the average American spends 144 minutes on social media every single day. That's nearly two and a half hours of mindless scrolling.

If we allotted even a quarter of that time to our health and fitness goals, imagine how much healthier we would be as a nation.

Aside from social media, the average American spends an astounding three and a half hours a day watching television.

Is it any surprise that the obesity epidemic now affects over 40% of America’s population?    

According to the American Heart Association, upwards of 250,000 deaths every year in the U.S. can be attributed to a lack of physical exercise. 

Take charge of your day by keeping track of how you spend your time.

Bring conscious awareness to your daily habits.

Awareness is the first step to making a change.


Schedule your workout


Studies show that scheduling your workout ahead of time makes a remarkable difference in your success.  

Using implementation intentions is a powerful strategy for scheduling your goals.

This strategy forces you to get very specific about when, where, and how you will perform your desired new habits.

The more specific and strategic we are about our goals, the more likely we are to follow through.

Take time to write in a planner the exact details of your new workout regimen.

For example:

  • I will work out on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 6-7 pm at the local gym.

  • I will attend a yoga class every Saturday at 9 am

  • I will walk in my neighborhood Monday-Friday from 630-7 am

Decide what works best for your schedule and pencil in your workout.

Now follow through regardless of how you feel when the time comes.

Keep the promises you make to yourself and show your commitment.

In addition, keep track of your consistency with an X in your planner for each day you finish a workout.

The X will be a visual representation of your discipline and commitment.

Now stay on track and don't break the chain!   


Workout in the mornings


The best habit I implemented into my life is waking up early and exercising first thing in the morning.

Waking up at 5 am is not always fun in the moment, but the benefits are unlike anything else.

Transitioning my workouts to the morning and going to the gym as soon as I wake up completely changed everything for me.

I suddenly found time to accomplish so much more in my day.

Exercising first thing in the morning is such an empowering way to start the day.

You feel amazing from the flood of endorphins and you get the added bonus of boosting your metabolism.

The early mornings' peace and solitude also reduces stress and anxiety, and sets you up to have a fantastic day.  


Workout at home


If the gym is not for you, there is no reason you can't exercise at home with little to no equipment.

There are a variety of free online workouts available on YouTube, Comcast OnDemand, and FitnessBlender, just to name a few. 

There are many at-home fitness options, so don't let the intimidation of the gym stop you from achieving your body goals.

The only thing standing in the way of you and your ideal body is your excuses.


Incorporate movement into your day

A healthy lifestyle is about consciously making better choices daily.

The more conscious we are about our decisions, the better choices we will make.

A few ways to include more movement in your day:

  • Consider taking the stairs rather than the elevator, or park your car farther away to get in those extra steps.

  • Purchase a Fitbit or Apple watch to track your steps and the number of calories you burn during a workout.

  • Take a ten-minute break during the day and do some pushups, crunches, or jumping jacks. 

These mini workouts will calm your mind and give you an instant burst of energy. 

Small changes may not seem like much, but they add up to significant results over the long term.

It's time to commit to your health and fitness goals once and for all.

Do not allow a lack of motivation to keep you inactive.

In the words of Jim Rohn, "Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going." 

Are you really too busy to improve your mental and physical well-being? I didn't think so! Now, let's get started!

Commit to prioritizing your health and fitness. Dedication is a small price to pay for looking and feeling your best. 

Share your fitness goals in the comments below!

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