How To Trust Yourself More In Life


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Are you having a hard time trusting yourself when it comes to making big decisions?

Do you find yourself taking two steps forward only to take three steps backward?

Wanting to move towards something bigger or better but lacking self-trust in whether or not you are making the right decision?

One thing I've come to realize along my journey of personal development is that indecision is nothing more than a lack of self-trust.

More often than not, we lack trust in our intuition and choose to ignore our gut feelings.

We must remember instinct is there for a reason. It’s our internal GPS guiding us along the way.

The problem is that so often we disregard the map given to us by the universe in the form of our intuition.

Many of us live out our lives, completely dismissing our inner knowing about what is right for us.

We stay in loveless marriages, unfulfilling careers, and settle for blatant mediocrity out of complacency and fear of the unknown. 

Why do we sell ourselves short over and over again? 

Why do we continuously search outside of ourselves for the answers we seek?

Why do we poll others for their opinions on countless questions from what outfit we should wear to whether or not we should walk away from an unhappy marriage—incessantly seeking outside of self?


learn how to trust yourself

When did we lose faith in ourselves and our capabilities?

As children, we are strong, fierce, and determined to do what we want when we want.

We embody the strong urge to go against our parents, teachers, and society.

It's as if we are born little rebels kicking and screaming for what we want, and then somewhere along the way, we decided that it's better to shrink than be seen.

To comply and conform rather than question and lead.

We lose ourselves in a world where movies, magazines, and media dictate who we should be and how we should show up.

As a result, we mold and morph into carbon copies of celebrities and people we admire all while drowning out our authenticity.

Stepping out of the herd is terrifying for most of us.

There is so much fear surrounding what others might think if we act outside of the box they've created for us.

And so it goes the internal battle for authenticity, soul growth, and acceptance.

The need for approval and recognition almost always reigns supreme and wins the battle.

The connection with our inner being slowly disintegrates as we unconsciously conform to society's version of who we need to be. 

How do we begin to reconnect with that part of ourselves that wants more out of life and is determined to get it?

When I say wants more, I'm not just referring to more money.

I'm referring to more inner peace, more alignment, and more trust in who we are and what we are here to accomplish in this world.

I'm talking about more conviction in our values and how we can show up as our most authentic selves.

It's time to tune out the noise and tune into who we were before society told us who we should be.

What are those dreams, goals, and desires that set your soul on fire?


trust your intuition

Trusting ourselves is about leaning into our inner guidance one step at a time regardless of how uncomfortable and scary it is.

Trusting ourselves is about taking full responsibility for our lives and living from a place of integrity.

It's not selfish to want more. It's selfish to deny our soul what it needs to feel whole out of fear.

Trusting ourselves doesn't happen overnight, and it doesn't happen all at once. It's a process of building confidence and taking the time to envision what it is we truly want for ourselves.

The more time we spend visualizing and contemplating what we want to achieve, the easier it becomes to move toward that life.

As our vision for the future becomes crystal clear, we can begin to identify the steps required to move in that direction.

Focusing on the vision rather than the fear of making it happen allows space for opportunities to manifest into our reality.

A key thing to remember about fear is that it is only our perception of what could happen that frightens us. It is nothing more than an illusion.

In her book, Feel the Fear And Do It AnywaySusan Jeffers writes, "All you have to do to diminish your fear is to develop more trust in your ability to handle whatever comes your way!"

When you reflect on all the things you have accomplished and overcome in the past, you begin to know that you are fully capable of overcoming anything in your life.

Yes, some things will be a challenge, but every challenge is an opportunity for growth.

Therefore following your heart will always lead you on a path to fulfillment.

knowing yourself leads to trusting yourself

If you are struggling to get clear on exactly what you want and what your soul needs, you must make more time for stillness.

Carving out time for solitude and self-care will allow the answers to come through you.

We are always receiving signs and nudges from the universe, but we are not tuned in and don’t pick up on them more often than not.

Make time in your week for a few minutes each day to sit in silence, go for a long walk, or spend time in nature.

This will create the space for all the answers you are seeking to come through you.

The more you practice tuning in and following your intuition, the more your confidence will grow, and you will realize you can trust yourself, and you are on the right path to living the life of your dreams.