
How to improve your life by balancing your masculine and feminine energies


Regardless of our biological sex as male or female, we all carry masculine and feminine energies within us. Both energies play an essential role in achieving our goals and finding peace and happiness. Problems often arise when these energies are out of balance. Consequently, we find ourselves out of alignment with our higher selves and the divine intelligence of the universe. As a result, we may experience stress, anxiety, frustration, anger, and struggle. 

While we can experience imbalances on both sides I am going to focus on what tends to happen when we have more masculine energy and neglect our feminine essence. Oftentimes, our masculine energy becomes more dominant as a defense mechanism. If we were raised in a dysfunctional environment or experienced trauma and abandonment, our masculine energy will likely dominate our lives to protect us. Dominant masculine energy can manifest itself in many ways that appear positive such as being driven, hardworking, and independent. While these are admirable qualities, the problem arises when this becomes our default way of being. In this state, it's easy to neglect our inner feminine radiance and deny ourselves the proper care, nurturing, and compassion we crave. 

Masculine energy is characterized by action, effort, and doing. In contrast, feminine energy is more about allowing, receiving, and being. When we operate from a predominantly masculine energy space, we often fall into the trap of justifying our worthiness through our actions and accomplishments. This can be dangerous and problematic for our health and happiness because it often emphasizes the ends rather than the means. In turn, we focus so much on the end result and lose sight of the value of the journey. 

Cultivating our divine feminine energy brings us back to center, illuminating our inner light and radiance. Aligning with our true nature of balanced energies enables a sense of peace and calm to flow through our daily experiences. This allows us to release the need to control and force. As a result, life becomes more effortless and harmonious. Signs and synchronicities show up and confirm that we are on the right path. Trusting in the divine intelligence of the universe to guide us is a compelling way to enjoy life. We are not in this fight alone. When we learn to drop into our feminine energy, we gradually begin to feel the pull of the universe guiding us every step of the way. There is so much to gain from this place of knowing and trusting. Believing in spiritual guidance reminds us that we are free to keep dreaming even when we can't yet see the result. 

Everything we want and desire is in the quantum field, waiting to be made manifest. Our work is to get in alignment with the frequency of our desires. As we balance the masculine and feminine energies, we surrender more and worry less. When we nurture our feminine power, we enhance our intuition and creativity. We become a magnet for our desires as we vibrate from the frequency of this place of wholeness. Balancing the masculine and feminine energies creates a vibrational synergy. This spiritual alignment allows us to receive our manifestations through the path of least resistance.

Balancing these energies can feel uncomfortable at first if you are used to moving through life with heightened masculine energy. Increased masculine energy will feel safe as the ego convinces us that being in control through constant action and achievement is what validates our worthiness. Embracing our feminine essence often feels like we are giving up the reigns and losing our edge. However, it's the feminine energy that allows our hearts to open and our creativity to flourish. It's in this space that we learn to trust more in the divine. As a result, we feel more connected to others, nature, and spirit. This is a beautiful feeling of coming home to our true nature and allowing our inner light to radiate through us.

Some ways to balance the masculine and feminine energies:

Meditation – In stillness, we find our center and embrace our oneness with universal forces. A simple 5-10 minute guided meditation or deep breathing exercise will create space in our mind and body to connect with source energy. Through this connection, you will develop a greater sense of awareness and connectedness with your intuition.

Grounding / Spending time in nature – Connecting with Gaia, Mother Earth, will soothe tension and anxiety and create harmony between the masculine and feminine energies.

Self-care - Taking the time to love and nurture yourself through self-care is essential for cultivating your feminine energy. Remind yourself daily that self-care is not selfish.  

Open your heart chakra - Practice healing and opening your heart chakra with this guided meditation.

Movement - Physical movement like dancing or exercise awakens the body and releases tension and stagnation. 

Balancing these energies is an ongoing and fluid process. Bringing conscious awareness to your habits and behaviors is the first step to understanding your true nature and cultivating harmony in all areas of life.

How to Create an Abundance Mindset and Manifest Your Desires


If you’re lacking in any area of your life, you might be surprised to realize the reason for your unwanted circumstances is a result of your current level of conscious awareness.

Oftentimes we mistakenly assume effort and action are all that's required to achieve our goals and dreams. However, there is more to attracting and manifesting than this.

I’m sure you know a lot of hard-working people who are still struggling mentally, physically, spiritually, and financially.

This is because our level of conscious awareness determines our ability to prosper and attract wealth and abundance into our lives.

An abundance mindset requires the conscious ability to rewire our brains to release self-doubt and limiting beliefs.

Unfortunately, we've been programmed from a young age to view the world in terms of scarcity and lack. It's this limiting perspective that holds us back from having everything we desire.

As you practice elevating your consciousness through mindfulness and meditation, you will inevitably raise your vibration.

As your vibration rises, you become an energetic match to all you wish to manifest in your life.

Through daily practice of stillness, you become more connected to your real and authentic nature.

Your true Self is Source Energy, and the more you connect with this part of yourself, the more enjoyable and effortless life becomes.

As a result, everything you long for will begin to reveal itself.

You become a magnet to your desires, and good things flow into your experience almost effortlessly.  

Your vibration is magnetic

Your current level of awareness is responsible for your current circumstances.

Your thoughts are an attractor pattern. Anything and everything that materializes in your life is a result of your thoughts and beliefs.

The problem most of us have is we allow the low vibrational frequencies of fear, guilt, anger, shame, and self-doubt to dominate our thoughts.

As a result, we continue to attract more unwanted circumstances and events in our lives.

The only way to match the vibrational frequency of your desires is to raise your level of conscious awareness because you can only materialize in physical form that which you are a vibrational match.

Therefore, if your thoughts and beliefs always reiterate unwanted events and circumstances out of fear and scarcity, you will continue to manifest what you predominantly think about.

Direct your attention to the wanted not the unwanted

The key to creating an abundance mindset is to focus your attention on what you desire and intend to manifest, rather than fixate on your present reality.

If your current circumstances do not reflect the life you wish to live, you must raise your vibration by envisioning yourself as the person you intend to become.

As you imagine your life as your future self, revel in the feelings associated with that new and improved version of yourself.

  • See yourself living the life you desire to live.

  • What will it feel like to live that life?

  • Use your imagination and senses to embody the future version of you in the present.

  • Make a list of positive aspects that entail all you intend to do and have as the future you.

As you contemplate your future self, you create this version of your life in the quantum field. Using the power of your imagination, you are co-creating with the universe. 


Focus on getting in alignment

A significant hindrance to our success is focusing our attention on the how rather than the what.

When we know exactly what we wish to manifest and visualize this life as if it were a reality, the universe will do its part in co-conspiring with us.

Focus your attention on raising your vibration daily and you will be astonished to see how many opportunities show up in your life.

Your job is to spend time each day getting into alignment. Once you are in alignment you automatically become a vibrational match to your desires.

You will then get an impulse to do something. Follow that impulse because that is a nudge from the universe guiding you.

Let go of the old self

You can not take any part of your old self into the new level of consciousness required for raising your vibration.

All of your current beliefs, fears, and limitations are weights that bind you to your present level of consciousness.

If you intend to create from a higher consciousness, you must be willing to let the old parts of yourself fall away.

You must transcend your current reality and leave behind all that is now your present self or conception of yourself.

This means you must take your attention away from your present problems and instead visualize what you desire to create. 

Everything you experience in your outer world is a reflection of your state of consciousness.

Therefore, upgrading your life requires upgrading your beliefs about what is possible for you.

Most of us have a limited perception of what is possible.

We underestimate our true potential. We are conditioned to view the world in terms of scarcity and lack rather than wealth and abundance.

Most of us allow the unconscious programs of our subconscious mind to control our thoughts, actions, and behaviors.

Stretch into the unknown

This self-sabotaging program inhibits us from achieving our desires because it continues to pull us back to the familiar past.

It does not like the idea of change and tries to keep us in the known.

Each time we push past this fear of the unknown and make a conscious effort to step out of the familiar, we have exercised free will. 

This elevated level of consciousness is required to raise your vibration. 

On the other hand, when your mind is on autopilot, it continues to drag you into the same predictable future based on what you've experienced in the past.

The brain is designed to keep you safe and will try to protect you by keeping you inside your comfort zone.

If you want to override this tendency to stay stuck inside the familiar you must make a conscious effort to consistently see yourself as the future version of yourself rather than the current version of you.

The abundance you attract in your life when you align with your true nature is incomparable to the hustle and grind of the ego.  

  The best way to create an abundance mindset and attract everything you desire is to practice getting in alignment every day through conscious connection with Source. Meditation is the best way to do this.


Rise + Align | Awaken Your True Self

Tired of living a life that doesn’t have you jumping out of bed every morning filled with passion and purpose? Ready to live with less stress and more ease?

If you want to live a life that lights you up from the inside out and has you on the road to success…then you’re in the right place!

This 40 page Ebook outlines how I went from being unfulfilled and uninspired to uncovering my passion and purpose.

It is my heartfelt wish that my experiences will be a guiding light for you to find direction and alignment in your own life.

If you’re ready to achieve your goals, feel inspired, and move towards your DREAM life then you will want to read this!

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How To Live A More Inspired Life


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What's the difference between living a life fueled by motivation versus a life full of inspiration?

I always considered myself to be a pretty motivated person. I am driven, ambitious, and hard-working.

However, the grinding, forcing and pushing to make things happen and accomplish my goals always seemed to leave me with an emptiness inside.

I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but I never felt genuine fulfillment no matter how much I achieved. There was always a void waiting to be filled.

It wasn't until I started practicing meditation that I realized the reason behind this feeling.

What I discovered along my spiritual and personal development journey was that in all my years of striving to accomplish, I was lacking inspiration.

Motivation enabled me to accomplish things like buying a house and finishing graduate school, but I wasn’t tuning into my inner voice along the way.

Looking back, I realize I was living from a place of motivation rather than inspiration.

Many of us are motivated by external factors such as buying a house, owning a fancy car or reaching a particular level of social status, but so often we are not tapped into the whispers of our Soul.

We unconsciously subscribe to societal norms as a means of fitting in and feeling validated.

As a result, we lose touch with that part of ourselves that craves more inspiration and fulfillment.

If we feel moved to do something that lights us up but deny this impulse out of fear or doubt, we experience discontentment and disappointment.

The nagging feeling we experience that is calling out for more comes from relinquishing our true spiritual nature. 

On the other hand, when we live in-Spirit, we are connected to Divine Intelligence and the larger part of ourselves.

We begin to move into alignment because we are honoring our authentic selves.  

As Wayne Dyer beautifully writes in his book Inspiration: Your Ultimate Calling, "Sadly, when we began our human training, we were taught to abandon most of our spiritual identity and adopt a new one based on ego-consciousness, or a sense of being separate from Spirit."

In other words, we ignore our inner knowing and allow our ego to decide our course of action.

The more we align with our true nature and follow our internal guidance system, the better we feel. As a result, we begin to vibrate higher and attract more goodness into our lives.

When we choose to honor the authentic self rather than the false self, we live on purpose.

Let's look at five ways to live a more inspired life.

“All bodies emerge from the Soul and return to it. The visible emerges from the invisible, is controlled by it, and returns to it.”
— Lao Russell

Become the observer


Practice seeing the physical world for the illusion that it really is. The more you can observe the world from a bird's eye view and stop focusing so much on the minutiae of life, the more content you will feel.

If you are surrounded by negativity, practice stepping outside of yourself and merely observing.

Mentally step outside of your body and notice what is stopping you from feeling inspired.

Repeat mantras to yourself, such as

  • I choose to feel good

  • I align with the Spirit within me

  • I have absolutely no limits on what I intend to create.



Imagine moving through life with absolute faith that you can have everything your heart desires. Take time to connect deeply with your inner knowing.

When we live each day in-Spirit, we leave behind the world of anxiety, fear, doubt, and impossibility.

We enter a new world of inspiration and purpose, where all things are possible.

You don't have to know how you will accomplish your goals and dreams. You just have to begin moving towards them in any way that feels right to you.

Trust that the universe will guide you along your way. When we re-emerge into the perfect oneness of Spirit, we transcend limitation. We create space for allowing.

Related: How To Enjoy The Journey Not Just The Destination




As I said earlier, it wasn't until I began meditating that I started to tap into my inner guidance system. Before developing a meditation practice, I was mostly seeking outside of myself for validation and approval.

As I began quieting my mind daily, I instantly felt less stressed and anxious throughout my day. Suddenly I was more connected to my inner being and the Source within me.

This frame of mind enabled me to heed my calling to develop my writing, something I always loved to do but neglected for many years.

Spend some time every day, preferably early in the morning, in a state of meditation. Meditation can be as little as 5-10 minutes, but with consistency, it is life-changing.

inspiration2 (1).jpg

Raise your vibration


When we feel uninspired, we need to make a vibrational adjustment that puts our thoughts and actions back into alignment with the desire to feel good.

The better we get at shifting our negative thoughts to ideas that uplift us, the higher our vibration will rise.

As our vibration rises, we attract an abundance of opportunities into our lives. By aligning our thoughts and behaviors, we become a vibrational match to all that we desire.

Be of service


When we are living in-Spirit, we have overcome the limitations of the ego. We move into a world full of love where we feel inspired to serve others.

We are called to use our talents freely in a way that spreads joy, faith, and hope. When we do something kind for someone else, we are replenishing our Soul.

This does not mean we should put another person's needs above our own.

However, when we are truly living from a place of truth and authenticity, we feel called to uplift those around us. As we begin radiating love and light, we manifest more of the same back into our lives.

Living an inspired life is about connecting deeply with the truest part of ourselves. As we spend more time in meditation and solitude, we come to know our true nature. Honoring this true nature leads us on a journey of following our hearts and living in alignment with Source Energy.

Share your thoughts in the comments below!

Rise + Align | Awaken Your True Self

Tired of living a life that doesn’t have you jumping out of bed every morning filled with passion and purpose? Ready to live with less stress and more ease?

If you want to live a life that lights you up from the inside out and has you on the road to success…then you’re in the right place!

This 40 page Ebook outlines how I went from being unfulfilled and uninspired to uncovering my passion and purpose.

It is my heartfelt wish that my experiences will be a guiding light for you to find direction and alignment in your own life.

If you’re ready to achieve your goals, feel inspired, and move towards your DREAM life then you will want to read this!

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How To Trust Yourself More In Life


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Are you having a hard time trusting yourself when it comes to making big decisions?

Do you find yourself taking two steps forward only to take three steps backward?

Wanting to move towards something bigger or better but lacking self-trust in whether or not you are making the right decision?

One thing I've come to realize along my journey of personal development is that indecision is nothing more than a lack of self-trust.

More often than not, we lack trust in our intuition and choose to ignore our gut feelings.

We must remember instinct is there for a reason. It’s our internal GPS guiding us along the way.

The problem is that so often we disregard the map given to us by the universe in the form of our intuition.

Many of us live out our lives, completely dismissing our inner knowing about what is right for us.

We stay in loveless marriages, unfulfilling careers, and settle for blatant mediocrity out of complacency and fear of the unknown. 

Why do we sell ourselves short over and over again? 

Why do we continuously search outside of ourselves for the answers we seek?

Why do we poll others for their opinions on countless questions from what outfit we should wear to whether or not we should walk away from an unhappy marriage—incessantly seeking outside of self?


learn how to trust yourself

When did we lose faith in ourselves and our capabilities?

As children, we are strong, fierce, and determined to do what we want when we want.

We embody the strong urge to go against our parents, teachers, and society.

It's as if we are born little rebels kicking and screaming for what we want, and then somewhere along the way, we decided that it's better to shrink than be seen.

To comply and conform rather than question and lead.

We lose ourselves in a world where movies, magazines, and media dictate who we should be and how we should show up.

As a result, we mold and morph into carbon copies of celebrities and people we admire all while drowning out our authenticity.

Stepping out of the herd is terrifying for most of us.

There is so much fear surrounding what others might think if we act outside of the box they've created for us.

And so it goes the internal battle for authenticity, soul growth, and acceptance.

The need for approval and recognition almost always reigns supreme and wins the battle.

The connection with our inner being slowly disintegrates as we unconsciously conform to society's version of who we need to be. 

How do we begin to reconnect with that part of ourselves that wants more out of life and is determined to get it?

When I say wants more, I'm not just referring to more money.

I'm referring to more inner peace, more alignment, and more trust in who we are and what we are here to accomplish in this world.

I'm talking about more conviction in our values and how we can show up as our most authentic selves.

It's time to tune out the noise and tune into who we were before society told us who we should be.

What are those dreams, goals, and desires that set your soul on fire?


trust your intuition

Trusting ourselves is about leaning into our inner guidance one step at a time regardless of how uncomfortable and scary it is.

Trusting ourselves is about taking full responsibility for our lives and living from a place of integrity.

It's not selfish to want more. It's selfish to deny our soul what it needs to feel whole out of fear.

Trusting ourselves doesn't happen overnight, and it doesn't happen all at once. It's a process of building confidence and taking the time to envision what it is we truly want for ourselves.

The more time we spend visualizing and contemplating what we want to achieve, the easier it becomes to move toward that life.

As our vision for the future becomes crystal clear, we can begin to identify the steps required to move in that direction.

Focusing on the vision rather than the fear of making it happen allows space for opportunities to manifest into our reality.

A key thing to remember about fear is that it is only our perception of what could happen that frightens us. It is nothing more than an illusion.

In her book, Feel the Fear And Do It AnywaySusan Jeffers writes, "All you have to do to diminish your fear is to develop more trust in your ability to handle whatever comes your way!"

When you reflect on all the things you have accomplished and overcome in the past, you begin to know that you are fully capable of overcoming anything in your life.

Yes, some things will be a challenge, but every challenge is an opportunity for growth.

Therefore following your heart will always lead you on a path to fulfillment.

knowing yourself leads to trusting yourself

If you are struggling to get clear on exactly what you want and what your soul needs, you must make more time for stillness.

Carving out time for solitude and self-care will allow the answers to come through you.

We are always receiving signs and nudges from the universe, but we are not tuned in and don’t pick up on them more often than not.

Make time in your week for a few minutes each day to sit in silence, go for a long walk, or spend time in nature.

This will create the space for all the answers you are seeking to come through you.

The more you practice tuning in and following your intuition, the more your confidence will grow, and you will realize you can trust yourself, and you are on the right path to living the life of your dreams.

How To Reconnect With Source Energy


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Over the last two years, I have found more ways to connect with Divine Source Energy and as a result raise my vibration.

I began my spiritual journey two years ago with meditation.

When I first started my quest for a more profound connection with Source, I would meditate for a few minutes each morning.

The more I realized just how powerful meditation was, the more I increased my practice.

Meditation is the foundation of my spiritual connection, but I have since found more ways to tap into Source Energy.

My spiritual practices are essential because the more I connect with Source, the more aligned I feel.

When we are in alignmentlife flows much more effortlessly.

We experience less stress and anxiety. We feel a connection with the Universe and can trust in the guidance we receive.

I wanted to share some of my spiritual practices to support you on your journey to alignment.

These practices are new to me, but I have enjoyed them so much I thought they may benefit you.

Here are five ways I raise my vibration and connect with Source Energy.



Also referred to as earthing, grounding is the practice of connecting with the earth's surface.

You can do this by walking outside barefoot, lying on the grass, or anyway that enables you to come in direct contact with the earth.

Direct contact with the electrons of the earth's surface transfers energy from the ground to the body.

This practice is not as woo-woo as it might sound.

Grounding benefits are backed by earthing science and grounding physics, which explains how electrical charges from the earth positively affect the body. 

Research suggests the natural defenses of the body are restored through the grounding practice.

As our dependency on technology rapidly increases, we are constantly bombarded by harmful electromagnetic fields (EMF).

This exposure disrupts the body, increasing our susceptibility to health issues and disease.

Grounding is an excellent way to reverse the effects of EMF radiation exposure.  

Benefits of grounding include:

  • Neutralizes free radicals caused by EMF exposure

  • Improves sleep

  • Reduces muscle soreness

  • Lowers inflammation in the body

  • Improves immunity

  • Reduces stress and anxiety

Even if you are not in direct contact with the earth, spending time in nature has real benefits.

As we are exposed to the negative ions found in nature, our body is able to counteract the positive ions we absorb through EMF.

This practice stabilizes and restores the body's bioelectrical systems, which are responsible for keeping us alive and well.

Increasing time spent in nature has undeniable benefits for the body, mind, and soul.

Healing Crystals


Considered ancient forms of medicine in philosophies such as Hinduism and Buddhism, crystals are known for their healing properties.

While there isn't any scientific research to back their benefits, many people believe they promote the flow of good energy while improving physical and mental well-being.

Not to mention, they are a beautiful addition to your home.

I have become borderline obsessed with my crystals.

I recommend you cleanse your crystals initially with sage to remove any negative energy attached to them.

You can also program your crystal with an intention and then sleep with it under your pillow.

For a beautiful video on how to do this you can watch here.

Crystal healing is new to me, but I have enjoyed them so much I wanted to share them with you.

For a great article that goes into greater detail about each crystal's healing properties, CLICK HERE.  





While we are discussing removing negative energies, let's look at a practice known as smudging.

Smudging is the spiritual ritual of burning sage.

Alternative medicine practitioners believe burning sage can help to release negative energy.

Although this practice may seem far out to some, it has been well established as a traditional Native American practice for its purifying and wellness benefits.

I recommend this beginner’s sage bundle if you are interested in smudging for the first time.

Removing toxic energy from your home may allow you to feel more in tune and connected with Source Energy.

When we free ourselves from the bind of negativity, we can align with our Higher Selves and raise our vibration.


Essential Oils


I have been using Young Living Essential Oils for a few months now, and I honestly don't know how I ever lived without them.

They have become such an integral part of my daily rituals.  

Essential oils have enhanced lives for thousands of years, offering various benefits from cosmetic, dietary, and spiritual use.

The ways we can utilize oils in our daily lives is endless.

From diffusing, applying topically, and ingesting, essential oils are incredibly powerful at enhancing our physical, spiritual and mental well-being.  

Incense and essential oils from plants have always played an important part in religious and spiritual ceremonies, helping participants transcend the trivial and connect with something larger than themselves.

The pure constituents in these oils stimulate olfactory receptors and activate regions in the brain's limbic system associated with memory, emotion, and state of mind.

To enhance your spiritual practice, you can apply essential oils directly to wrists, feet, and behind the ears or diffuse the oils in a quiet space.

To learn more about Young Living Essential Oils, CLICK HERE

Some of my favorite essential oils at the moment include:

  • Lemon/Citrus-use in a diffuser

  • Abundance-add to a diffuser with lemon or citrus

  • Envision-apply to Brow Chakra (in between eyebrows)

  • Frankincense-apply to Chakras

  • Lavender-apply behind the ears at night to induce sleep


Oracle Cards


This spiritual practice may seem far out for some, and I completely respect that.

It's an entirely new practice for me, but I love the connection I feel with the Divine while reading them.

The deck I have been using is called the Keepers Of The Light Oracle Cards by Kyle Gray.

The decks aim is to help spiritual seekers develop their intuition to start trusting the messages that spirit shares.

I believe we are always being guided and given signs by the universe.

Unfortunately, we are not always tuned into the signs we are receiving.

I find this deck to be the next level of connection with the spiritual realm.

While these practices may not be for everyone, I wanted to share what has been beneficial for me when exploring my spiritual connection with Divine Source Energy.

Have you tried any of these practices? Share in the comments below!

Rise + Align | Awaken Your True Self

Tired of living a life that doesn’t have you jumping out of bed every morning filled with passion and purpose? Ready to live with less stress and more ease?

If you want to live a life that lights you up from the inside out and has you on the road to success…then you’re in the right place!

This 40 page Ebook outlines how I went from being unfulfilled and uninspired to uncovering my passion and purpose.

It is my heartfelt wish that my experiences will be a guiding light for you to find direction and alignment in your own life.

If you’re ready to achieve your goals, feel inspired, and move towards your DREAM life then you will want to read this!

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Sadly, I've betrayed myself most of my life.

Maybe you can relate, but you didn’t realize you were doing it.

Neither did I.

It wasn't until I began my journey of deep introspection that I realized just how much I'd betrayed myself in the past.

Self-betrayal may sound a bit over-dramatic, but it's something most of us are regularly doing without even realizing it.

Every time we look outside of ourselves for validation or acceptance, we are betraying our true selves.

Each time we numb, escape, and avoid our emotions, we are betraying the divine within.

It's not that we betray ourselves deliberately; it's simply a by-product of living in a world that reminds us every day that we should be, do, or have more.

It's the incessant voice of society that convinces us to keep searching outside of ourselves for the answers.

Maybe we will find it in another glass of wine, or that next pair of expensive shoes.

Whatever you do, don't look inward, says the voice.

Escape rather than feel at all costs.

Consume, don't think.



When we cultivate the space between our thoughts we begin to understand this and to see it for what it is.

In the stillness, there are answers to the questions we've been seeking.

In that space between our thoughts, we find the warm embrace of solitude that we mistakenly run away from more often than not.

It took me a long time to finally realize all the ways I was betraying myself.

fitting in

And now I realize it's an epidemic. I see it all around me.

I fear that my kids will grow up to do the same things I did.

I fear they will try so desperately to be accepted that they will betray themselves over and over again.

The pain I feel for my younger self runs so deep.

I drank, did drugs, smoked cigarettes, objectified my body, allowed men to objectify me, shoplifted, and countless other things all in the name of acceptance.

Of course, we all want to be accepted and acknowledged to some degree, but at what cost?

What does it cost us to fit in with the crowd?

How much of our truth do we sacrifice when we follow society's norms and look to others to declare our worthiness?

The opinions of others can damage the purest part of ourselves if we allow it.



I'm not going to say the process of going inward is an easy one. It's one of the hardest things I have ever done.

It requires a great deal of strength to go to the depths of your pain and face your demons.

We all have them.

It's just that I've decided to stop running from them.

To stop numbing and escaping and to feel.

To ruminate in all the pain that has brought those demons to life.

There is gold buried deep down inside of our wounds and vulnerability.

We must be willing to look for it if we want to be free.

If you're wondering how to find this inner strength, you must make time for solitude.

It's the only way I know to connect with our Creator and our Higher Selves.


look around


If this doesn't resonate with you, stop and ask yourself why so many people are unhappy and depressed?

Why are there overwhelming rates of obesity, suicide, mass shootings, alcoholism, illegal and prescription drug addictions?

We have lost our way as a society.

If you're unhappy or unhealthy, it is important to ask yourself why?

What is it that you are avoiding, and what is at the root of your unhappiness?

If you know that you are unhappy, but you keep ignoring it, then you are betraying yourself.

When it's your last day on earth, do you want to be filled with regret, or do you want to know that you did everything you could with your life?



Ultimately we betray ourselves because it's the easy thing to do.

It's much easier to spend hours on social media criticizing others than looking in the mirror and identifying our own weaknesses.

What would our lives look like if we learned to trust ourselves and stop worrying about what other people think of us?

We all have an inner knowing, but too often we ignore our truth to avoid change.

Maybe we fear being alone, so we stay in a loveless marriage.

Or we have a career that isn't fulfilling, but we fear starting over, so we stay.

There are countless ways we betray our true selves.

I have decided to no longer live this way and I invite you to do the same.

I am choosing to honor my inner being and trust in the guidance I receive.

If you are receiving signs that something isn't quite right in your life, you owe it to yourself to honor that.

Self-betrayal is ignoring what you know deep down inside is right for you.

It's searching for the answers in the approval or acceptance of others.

Why would we assume someone else knows what's best for us?

Everything they know is based on their own experiences.

They have never walked a day in our shoes.

Only we know the full ramifications of our decisions.

The sooner we look to ourselves for the answers we seek, the sooner we can trust that we are not lost, nor were we ever.

We chose to ignore the writing on the wall. We decided to minimize our truth.

More often than not, the truth is screaming at us from all directions, but we choose to ignore it.

The truth hurts.

It cuts deep, but it's a pain that we can't ignore because it always makes its way to the surface.

The more we ignore the truth, the more it comes back with a vengeance.

feel the pain


If we want to live life as our truest, most authentic selves, we must practice feeling the pain rather than avoiding it.

We must sit in it and allow it to wash over us.

This is where true transformation occurs.

If you want to live a life of peace and fulfillment, you must get comfortable with your pain and stop betraying your inner voice.

In my experience, stillness is the only way out.

Be prepared for a long journey because there is always more to uncover.

Layer by layer, we peel away our false self and reveal the true essence of our soul.

It's a painful journey, but the pain of staying the same far outweighs the pain of growth.

Share your thoughts in the comments and let me know if this resonates with you.

self-betrayal-authentic-self (1).jpg
Rise + Align | Awaken Your True Self

Tired of living a life that doesn’t have you jumping out of bed every morning filled with passion and purpose? Ready to live with less stress and more ease?

If you want to live a life that lights you up from the inside out and has you on the road to success…then you’re in the right place!

This 40 page Ebook outlines how I went from being unfulfilled and uninspired to uncovering my passion and purpose.

It is my heartfelt wish that my experiences will be a guiding light for you to find direction and alignment in your own life.

If you’re ready to achieve your goals, feel inspired, and move towards your DREAM life then you will want to read this!

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Fifteen years ago, a friend gave me a book that changed the course of my life forever. I will never forget that day and the subsequent days that followed as every fiber in my being absorbed the words in the book, The Power of Intention by Dr. Wayne Dyer.

If I never read that book, I honestly have no idea where I would be today.

Suddenly, life had an entirely new meaning, and I realized I was going about things the wrong way for so many years.

Prior to reading that book, I lived most of my days riddled with anxiety and consumed by worry.

I was under the impression that the more I contemplated every possible scenario in my head, the more equipped I would be to control every possible outcome.

I had no idea just how powerful my thoughts were, and I was ignorant of the fact that every thought has a vibration, and those vibrations are always attracting a similar frequency.

Unbeknownst to me, I was continually attracting lack and negativity into my life because that is where my attention was focused.

After reading The Power of Intention, my life completely shifted as I finally became aware of the impact our thoughts have on our environment and just how powerful they are at attracting both positive and negative experiences.

I have since read countless books that have a similar message and have come to understand and trust in the power of our thoughts.


One of my favorite quotes by Napoleon Hill says, "Both poverty and riches are the offspring of thought."

The question then is, do you have an overwhelming amount of positive or negative thoughts throughout your day, and how are they shaping your life?

One of the ways I consistently reprogram my subconscious mind to think abundantly and focus on the positive rather than the negative is through daily affirmations.

Affirmations are not the end all be all in manifestation and creating an abundant life. However, I firmly believe they are one of the most effective ways to prime your mind to embody positivity and attract goodness into your life.

The more we feed our subconscious mind words of empowerment, the easier it becomes to trust in our abilities to manifest everything we want.

When we read affirmations consistently, they can interrupt the program of scarcity and allow us to overcome self-limiting beliefs.

Awareness of the negative thoughts flooding our minds will allow us to rewire our brains and create new neural pathways consistent with the goals and dreams we intend to manifest.

Manifestation is not just about material wealth; it is about living the life you were born to live so you can experience all this world has to offer in love, health, happiness, and financial security.


Affirmations are a powerful tool that allow you to release your negative beliefs and install a new program that supports your walk and journey on this planet as a complete being that radiates love and joy.

When you are living from a state of lack, and regularly rehearsing negative thinking, you are attracting more negativity into your life, whether you are aware of it or not.

Choose to live in harmony with positive thoughts by repeating affirmations daily and notice how your life begins to shift.

If you have a negative bias towards affirmations, chances are they will not work for you until you release whatever is holding you back and trust in their power.

Here are ten incredible affirmations I wanted to share with you that I have learned throughout my spiritual and personal development journey.

Several are directly from the book The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy and some I created.

You can pick and choose which ones resonate with you or create your own.



  1. I am one with the infinite riches of my subconscious mind. It is my right to be rich, happy, and successful. Money flows to me freely, copiously, and endlessly. I give of my talents freely, and I am wonderfully blessed financially. It is wonderful.

  2. Infinite intelligence leads and guides me in all my ways. Perfect health is mine and the Law of Harmony operates in my mind and body. Beauty, love, peace, and abundance are mine. The principle of right action and divine order govern my entire life

  3. I am strong, confident, and capable of achieving everything I want in life

  4. I am so happy and grateful now that money comes to me, in increasing quantities, through multiple sources on a continuous basis

  5. The infinite intelligence which gave me this desire leads, guides, and reveals to me the perfect plan for the unfolding of my desire. I know the deeper wisdom of my subconscious is now responding, and what I feel and claim within is expressed in the without. There is a balance, equilibrium, and equanimity

  6. The infinite intelligence of my subconscious mind reveals to me my true place in life

  7. I am in alignment with my highest self, and I am always moving in the direction of my soul's purpose

  8. I am abundant in love, health, and wealth because there is no such thing as scarcity, only abundance

  9. I am always moving in the direction of my ideal self and can trust in the power of the universe to support my soul's journey on this physical plane

  10. I am an energetic being full of life and vitality


I highly encourage you to make affirmations a part of your daily routine. You can write your own based on everything you want to create and attract into your life.

Repeating affirmations consistently and believing in the words you are saying can begin to take charge of your thoughts and change your pattern of thinking.

When you have control over your thoughts, you have control over your life.

Eradicate self-limiting beliefs through the power of daily affirmations, and you will have the confidence to achieve anything you want in life.

Open the door to new possibilities by affirming your worth through the power of the words you repeat to yourself.

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain from this practice. 

Do you currently use affirmations? Share in the comments below!


If you are interested in purchasing either of the books I mentioned you can click the links below.

(As an Amazon Associate I may earn a small commission at no additional cost to you.)

Rise + Align | Awaken Your True Self

Tired of living a life that doesn’t have you jumping out of bed every morning filled with passion and purpose? Ready to live with less stress and more ease?

If you want to live a life that lights you up from the inside out and has you on the road to success…then you’re in the right place!

This 40 page Ebook outlines how I went from being unfulfilled and uninspired to uncovering my passion and purpose.

It is my heartfelt wish that my experiences will be a guiding light for you to find direction and alignment in your own life.

If you’re ready to achieve your goals, feel inspired, and move towards your DREAM life then you will want to read this!

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What does it mean to be in energetic alignment? How do you know when you’re there and more importantly how do you stay there?

What I’ve come to realize over the past few years is that when we are energetically aligned our vibration is tuned into our higher self.

As a result, we become a vibrational match to all that we want in life.

To have our dreams become a reality, we must first match the frequency of those desires. Once we are in alignment our vibration rises.

Suddenly, we become a magnet for abundance, love, and happiness.

Synchronicity abounds and life presents us with endless opportunities to reach our full potential.

On the other hand, when we are out of alignment life is more of a struggle. We are convinced we must do all the heavy lifting and have no connection with the support of the universe.

We focus on the negative and attract more of the things we are trying to avoid.

Getting into alignment requires work and discipline. Unless we live alone in a cabin in the woods we are bombarded by stressors everyday.

Rituals and routines protect our energy and alignment from negative influence in our environment.

Meditation is the best way I know to do this.

I have a set of rituals that I do every morning to keep me in alignment, but if I had to narrow it down to one thing that I find to be the most effective it is hands down meditation. 

There are always clear signs that indicate whether or not you are in alignment.

Let’s take a look at some of the signs that show you are operating from a high vibration.

When values, thoughts, feelings, and actions are in alignment, a person becomes focused and character is strengthened.
— John C. Maxwell

1.You feel amazing


One of the biggest signs that you’re in alignment is the way you feel.

You will notice you are moving through life almost effortlessly.

There are fewer daily struggles or anxious feelings of confusion and overwhelm.

When you’re in alignment you are happy and optimistic most of the time. There is an energy that’s radiating from you.

You feel more powerful, confident, and capable.

It’s not that you feel invincible all the time, but something inside of you is different.

You notice the nagging voice inside your head dissipating and suddenly you have more control over your thoughts and emotions.

Ultimately, you feel your best on a regular basis.

2.You have a sense you’re being guided


When you’re in alignment you feel driven by purpose. You may not know exactly what that purpose is straight away, but you have an inner knowing you are being guided.

This feeling of guidance is reassurance that you are on the right path.

When you trust you are being guided there is little room for anxiety or stress.

Those old feelings of overwhelm and need for control begin to fall away.

You trust that the answers will be revealed to you at the perfect time and that everything is happening in divine timing.

If you knew that you were being divinely guided, and you were here on this earth for a specific purpose and suddenly you knew exactly what that purpose was, wouldn’t you be excited about life?

In my experience, when we are not energized and excited about life, it’s because we are out of alignment and as a result feel lost (I have definitely been here before).

Ultimately, we are not connected to our inner being and are moving through life aimlessly.

Oftentimes, when we are living this way we try to escape those feelings.

It doesn’t feel good to be out of alignment with our life’s purpose so to avoid those feelings we choose to numb rather than feel.

We use distractions and like drugs and alcohol to escape those unwanted emotions.

This is a clear sign we are out of alignment.

In alignment, we feel energized and ready to take on new challenges and opportunities.

We’re mission driven and that fuels us to tackle anything life throws our way.


It’s not about action...It’s about vibrational alignment.
— Abraham Hicks

3.You see signs and synchronicity all around you.


I could fill an entire book with all the synchronicities that have happened to me over the last few years. It’s nothing short of mind-blowing.

When you’re in alignment you know it because the universe gives you signs constantly. People and opportunities come to you out of nowhere.

All you have to do is surrender and let life unfold in its perfection. 

As Gabby Bernstein writes in her book, The Universe Has Your Back, “When you begin to dance with the energy of the Universe, your life flows naturally, incredible synchronicity presents itself, creative solutions abound, and you experience freedom.”

This may sound far-fetched if you’ve never experienced it for yourself, but it is very real and I would bet that anyone who feels they are in alignment will attest to this type of experience.

The Surrender Experiment, is a book by Michael Singer where he explains his experience over the last forty years of his life and the ways in which one synchronicity after another led him to live a life far beyond his wildest dreams.

All because he chose to surrender and trust that he was indeed being guided.

He explains that his role was simply to follow his intuition and do his best to avoid getting in the way of what the universe had in store for him. It was all a matter of divine intervention.

Many people will assume that surrender means not doing anything at all, but it’s quite the opposite.

Staying in alignment requires a conscious effort on our parts to not get side tracked by the challenges of everyday life.

Our thoughts are responsible for our alignment. One of the reasons meditation is so powerful at raising our vibration is because it allows us to reduce our negative thoughts through awareness.

When you meditate consistently you become much more aware of your negative thoughts and emotions throughout your day. This awareness is critical for releasing those unwanted feelings.

The less attached we are to negative emotion the more our vibration rises.

The more you practice bringing yourself to this state of awareness and choose good feeling thoughts over bad feeling thoughts, you will begin to experience the bliss that is living in energetic alignment.   

I would love to hear if this has been helpful in understanding the power of vibrational alignment. Share in the comments below!
